


The summer holiday is coming!_______________________________________________________________




____________________________________________________________________and everyone won't be late.


___________________________________________________________________________Let's have a talk!




Passage 3

① Rebecca is a wildlife camerawoman from the United Kingdom. She was filming a documentary(纪录片)for the BBC in the Pacific Ocean (太平洋) when she saw something that made her cry: hundreds of dead birds. They died because they accidentally (偶然地) ate some of the plastic that is thrown into the sea each year. The beaches on the Pacific islands should have been some of the most beautiful places in the world. But they were covered with plastic toys, bottles, pens, cigarette lighters(打火机)—every plastic thing you can think of.

②Rebecca decided she had to do something In her hometown of Modbury in southwest England, she asked local shopkeepers if they could do something to help. She asked them to stop using plastic bags in their shops.

③Plastic bags are used everywhere in Britain. The numbers are amazing. Britain uses nearly 17 billion plastic bags each year. And the bags can take hundreds of years to break down(分解) because they are made of chemicals (化学物质). Each year, the sea and the environment become more and more polluted.

④To Rebecca's surprise, the shopkeepers agreed and Modbury became the first plastic bag-free town in Britain. Instead, shops offer reusable cotton bags or biodegradable(可生物降解的)bags. Other towns followed Modbury's example and more towns around Britain and around the world are becoming plastic bag-free.

⑤Now the bag for life is part of the national culture, and the task of reducing the use of plastic bags has become law(法律): since October 2015, all shops in the UK must charge(承担) five pence for each plastic bag used by each shopper, no matter how generous(大量的)their spending is! It's not enough, but it's a start.

1.While filming in the Pacific Ocean, Rebecca________.

A.enioyed the beautiful beaches B.saw hundreds of dead birds

C.watched wildlife through her camera D.collected lots of plastic waste

2.What Rebecca did in her hometown was the basic step to________.

A.reduce the usage of plastic B.offer help to shopkeepers

C.make full use of the plastic bags D.raise money for her filming

3.In Paragraph ③, the writer mainly wants to tell us________.

A.what the plastic is made of B.how serious the plastic pollution is

C.how badly the sea is polluted D.where the plastic bags are often used

4.What's the result of Rebecca's efforts in Britain?

A.Shoppers mustn't use plastic bags any more

B.All the towns have become plastic bag-free

C.The task of protecting wildlife has become law

D.The government has begun caring about the plastic use

5.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.The reason for the death of birds B.The pollution of plastic bags

C.Rebecca's ways to stop plastic waste D.Rebecca's documentary of wildlife.

Zhao Jing is now a famous calligrapher(书法家) in Anhui. His works are getting more and more popular. Zhao Jing was a worker in a factory several years ago. His family lived a happy life until an accident happened to Zhao Jing.

One day, he was badly hurt by a large machine. The operation lasted for three hours. He woke up to find that he had lost both of his arms. That made him so sad that he even thought of ending his life. However, his wife's and parents' selfless love helped him to cheer up again. “I shouldn't depend on my parents or my wife for the rest of my life. I want to learn penmanship(书法).” Zhao Jing told his family about his resolution.

Zhao Jing went from door to door to collect waste paper. He bit(咬) the writing brush with his teeth and began to write. He keeps on writing for thirty years. The piles of used paper and so many old brushes in the room made his dream come true. He is so good at penmanship that he has won lots of prizes.

“Never Give Up Your Dreams” is Zhao Jing's motto(座右铭) and he will continue his steps.

1.What did Zhao Jing do before that accident?


2.What made Zhao Jing cheer up again after the operation?


3.How did Zhao Jing practice writing?






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