
It’s very important that we all recycle (再利用). In nature, everything ___26___ again. For example, when an animal dies, it becomes ___27____ animal’s food. Nothing is wasted. But humans have created things like plastic bags ___28___ can’t be broken down by nature. Our rubbish kills animals and __29___ water and soil. ___30___ we continue making too much rubbish, the problem will only get worse. If nature can’t reuse the rubbish, we must recycle __31__.

We should clean up the rubbish we’ve made because nature can’t.

Recycling is also the right thing to do for another reason. The earth is rich in natural materials like water and trees, __32 __ these materials are not endless. We use up our natural materials much _ _33 __ than the earth is able to reproduce them. For example, each year we cut __34 __ more that 6,000 square miles of forest. But it takes an average of 25 years for a new tree __35__.

Recycling can help us save the earth, so let’s take action right now.

1.A. use                B. using               C. is used             D. used

2.A. another             B. other               C. others              D. the other

3.A. who               B. which               C. how               D. where

4.A. pollutes            B. polluted              C. polluting           D. is polluted

5.A. When              B. Whether             C. Why               D. If

6.A. them               B. their                 C. it                 D. itself

7.A. but                B. so                   C. and               D. or

8.A. fastly              B. fast                  C. taster              D. fastest

9.A. out                B. down                C. in                 D. up

10.A. grows              B. for growing           C. growing           D. to grow














【解析】短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了人类活动对自然环境造成了那些伤害,并详细分析了我们为什么要 保护环境.


2.词义辨析. A.多个中的另一个;B. 其他的,另外的,通常和the一起用;C.其他人;D.两个中的另一个.结合语境可知此处指的是它的尸体变成了其他动物的食物.此处指的是多个中的另一个,故选A.

3.考察定语从句.本句先行词plastic bags 为下文定语从句的逻辑主语,指物,故引导词用that或者which,结合所给选项,可知选B.



6.考察代词.结合于可知此处代词指代的是前文提到的the rubbish,抽象名词,不可数,故人称代词用单数,选C,它.


8.考察比较级.联系下文than the earth is able to reproduce them.可知此处指的是我们用完这些天然材料比地球能生产他们快得多.故选C,更快地.

9.考察短语cut down消减,砍到.联系下文,可知此处指的是我们每年砍到超过6000平方千米的森林.故选B.




Everyone needs friends. Friends bring us happiness and hope in our lives. But the ability to make friends changes from person to person. To some people, making friends is easy, and to others it’s very difficult.

  Making friends is a skill, and the first thing is to know how to get on with others.

  If you have trouble in making friends, maybe I can tell you how to do it.

l      Realize your own good points. You have skills and talents(才能) that others will like.

l      Believe that you are a good person and have something nice to share with others.

l      Be humourous. Learn to laugh at yourself and your weakness. Remember to smile at others.

l      Respect(尊敬) the others. Everyone has his own idea. Learn how to listen to others’ ideas without trying to make them accept(接受) yours.

l      Be kind. If you are kind to others, they will usually be kind to you. There are hundreds of little things you can do to show your kindness. Open the door for someone. Wave to a friend and so on.

l      Don’t complain(抱怨). Learn to accept what you can’t change, and work hard to change what you can. No one is willing to hear your complaints all the time.

l      Never give up. Even if you are faced with some closed-minded people, never give up. And try to find someone who will understand you.

1.Why do we need friends according to the passage?

   A . Friends can do everything for us.       B. Friends can bring us happiness.

   C.  Friends accept our ideas all the time.       D. Without friends, we could not live.

2.What’s the first thing we should learn in order to make friends?

   A. To help others.                      B. To smile to others.

   C. To get on with others.                    D. To listen to others’ complaints.

3.Which of the following shows a sense of humour?

   A. Opening the door for someone.          B. Complaining to others all the time.

   C. Laughing at ourselves and our weakness.  D. Finding someone who will understand us.

4.How many pieces of advice does the writer provide when we have trouble in making    friends?

   A. Five.          B. Seven.          C. Nine.       D. Eleven.

5.What should we do when we have trouble in making friends?

   A. Respect others.   B. Complain.      C. Give up.    D. Laugh at them


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