
Once upon a time, there was a king who was loved by his people. One day, the king planned to build a palace on the river bank. in a few days the palace was ready, And before bringing the king to show the palace, the minister wanted to take a final look first.

"Great!"the minister said, looking at the palace. Then suddenly his eyes fell on a hut (小屋) just a few steps away from the palace gate. "What is this hut doing here?" shouted the minister." Sir, it belongs to an old woman.

She has been living here for a long time, "replied a solider.

The minister walked up to the hut and spoke to the old lady. "I want to buy your hut. Ask for anything. "he said.

"I am sorry, Sir. I can not accept your offer. My hut is dearer to me than my life, "the old lady said.

The minister tried to tell the old lady that her hut would make the new palace less beautiful. But the old lady refused to sell her hut to the king. The matter was then taken to the king.The king thought for a while, and then let the old lady said."it will only add to the beauty of the new palace. "Then turning to the minister.the king told us not forget what seems ugly to us may be valuable to someone else.

1.Where did the king want to build a palace?

A.In the mountains. B.In the city. C.On the river bank D.Near the sea

2.Who lived in the hut?

A.The king B.An old lady C.The minister D.The solider

3.How did the minister plan to deal with the hut?

A.To buy the hut B.To pull down the hut C.To sell the hut D.To build a new hut

4.Why didn't the old lady sell her hut to the minister?

A.Because it was ugly to the king B.Because it was as beautiful as the palace

C.Because it was too old to live in D.Because it was valuable to her

5.What do you think of the king

A.He was kind B.He was brave C.He was impolite D.He was proud


When Will Restall was in fifth grade, he received bus safety training at school. Local bus drivers taught students about how to use the buses’ two-way radios. A two-way radio is a radio that can both send and receive message. 1. . And they show the students how to use them in emergency (紧急的) situation. Will used what he learned to help a hurt bus driver get quick medical treatment. People in his hometown now call the 11-year-old a hero for his brave actions.

Will was taking the school bus to school one morning.2.. He had to wait 10 minutes or so before he could get off the bus.

But then he heard a loud noise and looked up to see what happened. 3.. She had passed out and fell over on the bus’ stairs.

Will left his seat, grabbed the two-way radio and reported that the driver was hurt.

4.Soon, another bus driver and an ambulance (救护车) arrived to help. When they got there, the bus driver was awake and sitting up, but not speaking. They sent the driver to the hospital. Will and everyone else on the bus went to class as usual. Will’s brave actions attracted a lot of attention.5., although he didn’t want to be the spotlight (公众注意的焦点).

“I had to ask him,” said his father, Tim Restall.

A.Like every other student on the bus, Will was playing a video game on his phone

B.A local TV station even interviewed him

C.The user can both talk and listen, it’s also called walkie-talkies (对讲机)

D.He saw that the bus driver was no longer in the driver’s seat

E.The radio on each bus let Will’s friends hear him report the emergency

F.They were interested in how to use the two-way radio.

G.He found the bus running too fast.

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