
1-5 是5段电视节目内容的解说词,A-E是与其相对应的节目名称,请为每个电视节目选择最合适的名称。

(     ) 1. When you need help with your homework, go to the library. You may find magazines, newspapers,
            and big dictionaries. They can always help you.
(     ) 2. For families with children, an important problem is getting the children away from the television to 
            do their homework.
(     ) 3. Even if you could buy the world, you couldn't buy a happy family, good friends, or knowledge.
(     ) 4. The Lost World is an exciting American film. People, especially school students, may like it.
(     ) 5. People might grow plants and vegetables in about 50 years.

A. Money isn't Everything (A talk about money with young people.)
B. American Film(An introduction(介绍) to new American films.)
C. Study Tools (工具)(The famous teacher Lin Hui will tell you about some useful study tools.)
D. Farms in the Future(about farming in the future.)
E. Popular Talks (A discussion(讨论) with parents who have trouble with their children.)
Text 1  
     The City Council (市政府) has spoken highly of Dr. Miles Larson.
Larson is a doctor but his patients are a lot of 4-legged animals like cats, dogs, sheep and cows. Larson gives away thousands of dollars worth
of vet service to keep city animals healthy. He also tries to place
homeless animals in good homes.
Text 2
     The traveler returns to the Art Museum this week with paintings
and photos from all over the world. If go- ing to some new and
interesting places is your idea of fun, come and join us in guessing
where these art objects are from. Who knows, maybe you'll take a
holiday in one of these places. Come along and explore the world
without leaving your hometown!
Text 3
     It's Charity (慈善) Week soon. And it's time to start thinking about
how you can help people who are not as lucky as you are.
Perhaps you
can give money, maybe you can donate (捐赠) clothes or household
things you don't need. Or perhaps you can 'give your time and your
services. If you are happy and successful in your life, it's time to think
of other people who need help.
Text 4
     Come to Teen Scene, the special program for teenagers to talk about
their ideas and concerns (关注). So if you're worried about exams at
school, need help in being more confident, want to know about cool
clothes and where to buy them, come to Teen Scene, every Monday
night at 7 p. m.
1. Text l    _______             
   Text 2    _______
   Text 3    _______              
   Text 4   _______
A. Holiday For Your Mind.
B. Come to Us For Help.
C. What Can You Give?
D. A Friend to Animals.
2. What does Mr. Larson do? 
3. What is on display in the Art Museum this week? 
4. In how many ways can you help the other people in Text 37 
5. What does "teenagers" in Text 4 mean in Chinese? 
6. 将Text l和Ttext 3中的画线部分译成汉语。
Text 1: ____________________________________________
Text 3:  ____________________________________________
7.  根据信息内容完成句子。
     Teen Scene will give you some help when you have problems
with _____, confidence and _____.
8. 请从信息中找出与下面句子意义相同的句子,写在横线上。
     Come to the Art Museum, and you'll know more about the new and
interesting places in the world without traveling.
(Shiyan Daily, May3,2000) The shopping
Centre will open on May 8. Everybody with
today's Shiyan Daily will get a small present
that day. You are welcome.
Telephone: 8885619;
Address: No. 16 Hong Kong Street.

(Evening Paper, May 19) Ying Hua Middle School needs a foreign teacher. He (She)
must have worked in China for more than
2 years and had better come from the USA. The pay is ¥ 20 000 a year. In ten days
this piece of advertisement (广告) will be
Telephone: 8866177.
Address: No. 6 People Road.

1. If a customer (顾客) goes to the biggest Shopping Centre with Shiyan Daily of May 3,2000, he will get
    a small present ______.
[     ]
A. every day
B. from Shiyan Daily
C. on May 8,2000
D. on May 3,2000
2. If an American teacher has worked in China for 3 years and comes to Ying Hua Middle School to ask for
    the job in June, he will ______.
[     ]
A. get a bad job
B. not get the job
C. be a good teacher
D. be useful
3. When and where will the football match be?
[     ]
A. In Hankou Stadium on Sunday.
B. In Hankou Stadium on February 3.
C. In Guo'an on February 8.
D. In Shenhua Stadium at 3:00 on February 8.
4. If three adults (成人) and six students want to watch the match, the tickets will cost RMB ______ yuan.
[     ]
A. 165
B. 135
C. 195
D. 225
5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
[     ]
A. The Shopping Centre is in No. 16 Hong Kong Street.
B. The telephone number of Ying Hua Middle School is 8866177.
C. Xu Genbao is a coach.
D. The match is between Beijing Team and Guo'an Team.
     I'm sure if you often listen to this programme , you will know that it's time for our
weekly competition. Last week's   1   of the two theatre tickets was won by Lob Martin.
Congratulations, Lob, I hope you've   2   your tickets by now. This week we are    3    a
classical CD to the first listener who can name the piece of music and the person wh0   4   it. I’m going to play the piece of music in a few minutes, but   5   I do, you need to get a pencil and a piece of paper, as I'm going to give you some   6   which should make your
job a little easier. Are you ready? Right now listen carefully, as you might be this week's
   7   winner.
     Although the person who wrote the music was born in Italy, he spent most of his  8   in Spain. Have you got that? Onto the second point: This is also a   9   play which has the
same title as this music and which is usually performed in  the open air in summer. Any  
  10   yet? I should warn you that it's not that easy. Now for the next point: When this piece of music was first performed; many people in the audience got up and   11  .They thought the music was terrible and said it was a waste of their money. It's _12     really, when you
think how   13   it is today. And now for the last point: Part of his music has been used for an advertisement which you can see on   14, in a lot of magazines and even on your cinema screen from next month. I'm sure when you hear the music, you'll know what the
advertisement is   15  .I'm not going to tell you what product it is, because that would
almost give you the answer !
      So, that's four things to remember. If you can give us the answer, please ring
001-3227580. And music is coming up now…
(     )1. A. prize        
(     )2. A. spent        
(     )3. A. reporting    
(     )4. A. preferred    
(     )5. A. because      
(     )6. A. sonata      
(     )7. A. correct      
(     )8. A. life        
(     )9. A. grateful    
(     )10.A. idea        
(     )11.A. walked out  
(     )12.A. frustrating  
(     )13.A. painful      
(     )14.A. museum      
(     )15.A. in          
B. puzzle            
B. deserved          
B. agreeing          
B. wrote            
B. until            
B. famous            
B.enjoyed themselve  
B. amazing          
B. opposite          
C. information      
C. received          
C. becoming          
C. quarreled        
C. fought together  
C. developing        
D. contribution          
D. noticed              
D. offering              
D. practiced            
D. before                
D. secret                
D. fell off              
D. understanding        
D. popular              
       BEIJING, June 11(Xinhua)一The Red Cross Society of China(RCSC)is planning to spend 2. 5 billion yuan (362. 32 million U. S. dollars)on reconstruction projects(重建工程)in areas hit by the May 12
       The money would be the first part to go to reconstruction in quake areas from the donations the
RCSC had received so far, the organization said in a statement(声明)here on Wednesday. About 1. 8
billion yuan would go to the worst hit southwestern Sichuan Province, 460 million yuan to northwestern
Gansu Province and 240 million to Shaanxi Province.
       The funds would be spent in building hospitals,schools,houses and quake prevention facilities
       The RCSC would first think of lonely areas and people in need,including orphans(孤儿), the
disabled and elderly who lost family members,the statement said.
       So far,the RCSC had received 4. 12 billion yuan of donations and 900 million yuan had been spent
in helping people hit by the earthquake.
       The rest of the donations would go to reconstruction projects,the statement said.
1. How much donation has the RCSC received so far?
A. 2. 5 billion yuan      
B. 240 million yuan
C. 4. 12 billion yuan    
D. 900 million yuan
2. For the reconstruction projects,how much would go to Sichuan Province?
A. 1. 8 billion yuan      
B. 460 million yuan
C. 240 million yuan      
D. 2. 5 billion yuan
3. Which province was the most seriously hit the May 12 earthquake?       
A. Gansu    
B. Jiangsu    
C. Sichuan  
D. Shaanxi
4. The money would first be spent to help_______.
A. orphans,homeless people and the disabled
B. any people in need
C. children and the elderly
D. we don't know  
       News 1: A gas explosion (瓦斯爆炸) happened on October 20 in a coal mine (煤矿) in Daping, Henan.
It has killed 129 people so far. Another 19 are still missing. More than 400 workers were at the mine at the
time. Only 298 ran out.
       News 2: Scientists have found some caves (洞穴) in the north part of the Mogao Grottoes (莫高窟)
of Dunhuang in Gansu. Now the north part has 248 caves in all. Altogether there are 735 Dunhuang Mogao
Grottoes. People began to make Mogao Grottoes from 366 AD. Pictures in the caves show what people's
lives were like in the past.
       New 3: Are girls cleverer than boys? Maybe. In a new study, scientists found that female chimps used
sticks two years earlier than male chimps in Africa. Female chimps watched their mums look for food. The
males climbed trees. The same thing also happens in the world of people. Girls learn to write and draw before
boys, while boys learn to play with balls before girls.
1. Which of the above news stories talks about an accident?
[     ]
A. News 1
B. News 2
C. News 3
D. All of them
2. We can tell from the Mogao Grottoes pictures _______.
[     ]
A. there are many caves in China
B. how to live a happy life
C. how people lived long ago
D. caves should be protected
3. The reporter of News 3 is _______ that girls are cleverer than boys.
[     ]
A. very sure
B. doubtful (怀疑的)
C. sure
D. not sure
4. Which of the following statements is true?
[     ]
A. More than 400 workers lived through the mine explosion.
B. Female chimps don't like to learn things from their mums.
C. Boys learn to play with balls earlier than girls.
D. All caves in China have pictures on the walls.
5. "Chimp" in the last news story probably is _______.
[     ]
A. a kind of food
B. a kind of animal
C. the name of a man
D. the name of a game