Hi Mary,

       Thank you for writing to me and I will try to give you some ideas about improving(提高) your written English. The bad news, of course, is that there is no e   77    way to do this. It takes work.

       Improving your English, like getting better at anything else, means lots of practice. I think you already know enough words and grammar in English to make sentences and to understand English, and the problem you have is as the problem all Chinese students have when they learn English. You go to English class a couple of times a week and the rest of the time you speak Chinese. If you come to Canada, your English would improve very         q  78    because you would use it all day, every day. It’s just practice.

       To improve your writing in English, you should do the following t   79    things. First, you should try to read English as much as possible. It doesn’t matter what you read, so pick something that interests you. Reading English will show you how English words are used together, how English speakers express themselves and so on, so you can learn a lot from that. Then you should practice writing. Ask your teacher if you can get extra assignments and write things like short stories. Your teacher can s   80    you where you make mistakes and how to correct them. You can also write more letters to English speakers on the Internet (I will be happy to exchange letters with you if that will help). Don’t worry if you make mistakes     b  81    that is how you learn.

       You say you can not obey your plans. In English we say, “Plan the work, work the plan.” You need a plan and then you need to follow your plan to improve.

I hope these ideas are u   82   . I wish you luck, and if you want to write to me I will be happy to try to help you. We can talk about China, about Canada or anything else you like.  

Best wishes,

Brad Flankin

77. e________ 78. q________ 79. t________ 80. s________ 81. b________ 82. u________


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