
  Sam is nine this year.He’s in Grade Four and likes to read.He often does reading when he is f________(1).So he knows more than his c________(2)and can answer all kinds of questions in class.So he t________(3)himself the cleverest in his class.

  New Year came and a party was organized(组织)in D________(4)30.The students of Class Two s________(5), danced, told interesting stories and had a good time.Ann, the shortest girl, asked them to guess a riddle(谜语)of hers.

  “A thing has eyes, but it can’t see,” said Ann.”It has legs, but can’t walk.It can jump as h________(6)as our teaching building.What is it?”

  The children thought for a long time, but each of them f________(7).They asked her to tell them the answer.Ann said with a s________(8), “It’s a wooden horse.”

  “S________(9)?” called out Sam.”A wooden horse can’t jump at all!”

  “You’re right,” said Ann.”But w________(10)have you see our teaching building jump?”


1.free 2.classmates 3.thinks 4.December 5.sang 6.high 7.failed 8.smile 9.Sure 10.when

根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。
Notice about Traveling to Oregon State University
1. The trip to Oregon State University will last _____ days.
A. 15    
B. 26    
C. 31    
D. 10
2. The speech to be delivered will NOT be on American _____.
A. agriculture        
B. economy 
C. culture            
D. education
3. If twin brothers, Victor and Sam, want to take this trip, they will have to pay
A. $1500  
B. $2000    
C. $ 3000  
D. $ 4500
4. If students want more information, which of the following contact details
(联系的细节) is NOT provided?
A. A phone number.      
B. An e-mail address.
C. The teacher’s name.  
D. A room number.
5. The above information is probably a(n) _____.
A. news report        
B. price list
C. guidebook          
D. advertisement  

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
