
Laura is at the airport(机场),She waits for her plane. Her plane is to Berlin,and it is 4 hours away. Laura walks around the shops.

After an hour she wants to go to the bathroom. But she doesn't find it. "Where is the bathroom?"she says. She starts asking other people,Laura says to a man,"Excuse me,sir. Could you please tell me where the bathroom is?". The man says,"You mean the restroom,right?". Laura says,"No,I mean the bathroom. ""Well,the restroom is over there. "He says and walks away.

Laura doesn't understand(明白). She asks a woman,"Excuse me,madam,Could you please tell me where the bathroom is?""The restroom is over there." the lady answers and walks away. Laura is confused,"What's wrong?I need to use the bathroom and they tell me to rest!"Then Laura gives up(放弃),She feels tired and thinks she needs to rest.

She walks to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes(意识到)the restroom is the name for a public(公共的)bathroom!

1.Laura will go to__________.

A.the airport B.the shop C.a restaurant D.Berlin

2.Laura asks____________ where the bathroom is.

A.a boy B.a man and a woman C.two men D.nobody

3.What's the meaning of the underlined(加下划线的)word "confused"?

A.兴奋的 B.明白的 C.迷惑的 D.发怒的

4.The passage tells us __________

A.the culture(文化)about language B.the rules(规则)at the airport

C.the people are not kind D.the restroom is for rest



As more and more people begin to read online, do we still need libraries now ? Reporter Ian Clark has the answer. ―Libraries are still important– people still find it greater and easier to use them.

According to him, not everyone has enough money to buy a smart phone, or a computer, and not everyone knows how to search the Internet, but libraries can offer people the same chance to get what they want to know about. And sometimes the information online is not correct. It will take you a lot of time to find what you really need. Libraries are more reliable(可靠的).

Moreover, we still need a kind of place that a library provides. In a library, it’s easy to get lost in reading and working and it’s also less possible for us to stop to do something else.

So working in a library is quite helpful. We usually call this kind of place ―third places. There are some other ―third places like coffee shops. They can also make you relax completely. And you see no sellers or advertisements in the library. If you spend all your time on computers, your eyes will get tired.

You should go to the library to find out the true, meaningful, and exact information about things. Libraries are still needed and it doesn't matter if you don't think so because most people do.

1. in libraries is still important


3. is able to use libraries to get information, including the poor and the old

You may get some4. information from the Internet while the information from libraries is more reliable.

Libraries can offer a kind of--third places to5. people work more attentively(专注地).People can feel more 6. there.

No one 7.things or advertises for something when you read in libraries.

It' s more8.to read on the Internet than to read in a library.


The world still 9. libraries because people still like using libraries to find out the true,10. and exact information.

I'm often asked the question “How did you become a reporter?” You see, everybody expected me to follow in my father's footsteps and become a doctor. Well, during my last year of school I visited a career counselor(置业顾问)named Lisa and I drove her crazy with my choices.

My first choice was a chocolate tester. Although Lisa didn't know the job well, she got me some information about it. I discovered that chocolate testers make a lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job. However, when I found out that chocolate testers don't just sit around eating chocolate all day, I lost my interest.

Next, I thought of becoming a football referee(裁判). I had loved football from a young age, but being a professional footballer was out of the question, as I couldn't play very well. However, it seems that referees must be able to run two and a half miles in less than twelve minutes and they are required to take exams throughout their training. So, my dream of becoming a referee died.

Finally, I had this idea of becoming a dog stylist(造型师). That was after I realized how much money our dog stylist, Shirley, was being paid. However, once, while she was styling Philipo. I noticed that he tried to bite(咬)her. “It happens all the time," she told me. As you can imagine, that really put me off.

To cut a long story short, all this research made me realize I had a talent for investigation(调查)so by the end of school year I had decided to become a reporter.

1.What can we know about the writer's first dream job?

A.It is a job that pays well. B.It is what his father is doing.

C.It is what Lisa expected him to do. D.It is a job that requires one to sit all day.

2.Why was the writer interested in becoming a football referee instead of a player?

A.He wanted to run less. B.He wasn't young enough.

C.He wanted to take fewer exams. D.He couldn't play football very well.

3.Philipo is probably ________.

A.Shirley's dog B.the writer's dog C.Shirley's stylist D.the writer's stylist

4.Which is closest in meaning to underlined part in Paragraph 4?

A.拖延时间 B.推迟 C.把…放在… D.对…失去兴趣(反感)

5.What's the passage mainly about?

A.How to choose the right job. B.Different jobs the writer has tried.

C.How the writer became a reporter. D.The importance of career counselors.

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