




7.What does the woman want to have?

A.A jacket.

B.A skirt.

C.A T-shirt.

8.How much is it?

A.18 yuan.

B.80 yuan


9.When will the woman come again?

A.Next week.


C.Next month.


10.Where is Betty going?

A.Th post office.

B.The Great Wall Hotel.

C.The cinema.

11.Where is she from?





12.What does the speaker do?

A.A student.

B.The monitor.

C.A teacher.

13.How long can the other houses not be used?

A.Seven days.

B.Ten days.

C.Sixteen days.

14.What can we do in the school during the holidays?

A.Post letters and borrow books.

B.Use computers and go dancing.

C.Buy school things and have meals.



My brother and I often fight with each other over small things. One day our father said to us, “Tomorrow we will take part in the Ray Home Sports Day. Both of you must go with me. Perhaps you can learn something from those children.” My brother laughed, “Dad, Ray is a home for physically disabled children. What can we learn from them?”

?? “You will see,” our father said.

?? Our father works as a volunteer at Ray. The children there have problems with their hands, speech, walking or hearing. Every day, he spends hours helping th em to move or exer cise their legs or arms.

?? The following day, he took us to Ray Home. When we got there, we found a nice place to sit down. Finally, the sports began. There was a 50-meter race to see who could run fastest. All the runners were physically disabled. As the race started, all the children moved as fast as they could. Just then, one of the girls fell over and hurt her leg. She began to cry at the top of her voice.

?? All the children stopped to help the poor girl. Then they? all held hands and finished the race together. My brother and I were surprised to see this: the children weren’t interested in winning the racethey were more interested in helping each other to finish the race.

1.Why did the father take the writer and his brother to Ray Home?

A. The father wanted them to do something at Ray.

B. The father asked them to help the children at Ray.

C. The father wanted them to take part in the Sports Day.

D. The father wanted them to learn something from the children.

2.What does the fat her often do in Ray Home?

A. He works as a teacher there.??????? B. He helps the children there.

C. He watches the games there.??????? D. He does sports with his sons.

3.Why did all the children stop in the 50-meter race stop?

A. All the children were disabled.?????? B. A little girl fell over and got hurt.

C. They stopped to laugh at the girl.???? D. They didn’t want to finish the race.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The children there can help each other.

B. All the runners there can not run fast.

C. All the children don’t want to be winners.

D. The disabled children there were not smart enough.


I. 听对话选图片 : 5%

(  )1. What did she do yesterday morning?

(  )2. What will the weather be like later on?

II. 听长对话回答问题: 5% (第一段回答6--7小题。第二段回答8--10小题)

(  )6. How does the woman know that the man comes from the USA?

A. From the way he walks               B. From the language he speaks.

C. From the way he speaks.              D. From his parents.

(  )7. Where are the two speakers?

     A. In China.     B. In America.     C. We don’t know.    D. In London.

(  )8. When is Mary’s birthday?

     A. August 15 th.    B. August 16 th.    C. August 12 th.    D. August 13 th.

(  )9. What time will the party begin?

     A. At 2:00 p.m.     B. At 2:20 p.m.     C. At 1:40 p.m.     D. At 1:30 p.m.

(  )10. Will Jean come to the party?

     A. No, she won’t, because she’ll meet her sister at the station.

     B. Yes, she will, but she’ll be late for the party.

     C. Not sure. Perhaps she won’t be able to come.

     D. We can’t know from the dialogue.

III. 短文理解: 10%

                             ( A )

(  )11. When does Jim usually get up in the morning?

A. At 5:30.     B. At 6:00.       C. At 6:30.       D. At 7:00.

(  )12. Where does Jim have lunch on weekdays?

A. At school.   B. At home.       C. At the table.  D. At the desk.

(  )13. Does Jim watch TV on Sunday evening?

A.     Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is.  D. No, he isn’t.

(  )14. How many people are there in Jim’s family?

A. One.         B. Two.           C. Three.         D. Four

(  )15. When does Jim go to bed?

A. At 7:00.     B. At 8:00        C. At 9:00.       D. At 10:00.

      A little girl went to a hospital. "I want to   1   a miracle (奇迹)." "What?" said th doctor. "Mybrother is badly
ill,   2   my daddy says only a miracle can save my brother." "We don't sell miracles here, little girl. I'm   3   but
I can't help you," said the dotor. "I have the   4   to pay for it," said the girl.
      The doctor's brother asked, "What miracle does your   5   need?" "I don't know," she answered. "My daddy
can't   6   for it, so I want to use my money." "How much do you have?" asked the man. "A dollar and a half."
"Well,"   7   the man, "a dollar and a half can buy a miracle." 
      That man was a very good   8  . The operation (手术) was free and her brother became well. "What's the
price   9   the operation?" her mom asked. The little girl smiled. She knew exactly how   10   a miracle was-a
dollar and a half with the faith (诚意) of a little girl.
(     ) 1. A. sell    
(     ) 2. A. or      
(     ) 3. A. glad    
(     ) 4. A. money   
(     ) 5. A. mom     
(     ) 6. A. pay     
(     ) 7. A. asked   
(     ) 8. A. friend  
(     ) 9. A. to    
(     ) 10. A. little 
B. make     
B. so       
B. sorry    
B. illness  
B. daddy           
B. spend    
B. smiled   
B. parent   
B. of       
B. few    
C. buy        
C. then       
C. worried        
C. time       
C. brother         
C. give       
C. cried      
C. teacher    
C. with       
C. much     
D. take      
D. and       
D. sure      
D. house              
D. sister    
D. have      
D. talked    
D. doctor    
D. at        
D. many    

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