
Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the U.S.A. Children play baseball in sports fields or parks.
At summer picnic, there is often an informal(非正式的) baseball game. Boys and girls, young and old take turns to play. There are nine players on each team.
The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, baseball matches are showed on TV and members of the important baseball teams become America's heroes(英雄). At the end of the season, the two top teams play against each other. Many baseball fans go along to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch television. People seem to talk only about the game. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the result and the players.
American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the U.S.A. The football season begins when the baseball season ends. More people are interested in football than baseball. When there is an important game, thousands of people sit beside radios or in front of television sets to get the result.
小题1: There are           players on each baseball team.
小题2: The baseball season goes from          .
A.April to SeptemberB.March to September
C.January to SeptemberD.May to September
小题3:           follows the baseball season in the U.S.A.
A. The basketball season            B. The football season
C. A basketball match           D. A football match
小题4:Which one is NOT right?
A.Boys and girls like baseball games.
B.More people are interested in football than baseball.
C.Just young boys and girls take turns to play in the informal baseball game.
D.Children sometimes play baseball in parks.
小题5:           is perhaps the most popular in the U.S.A.
A. Baseball                 B. Table tennis
C. Basketball                   D. American football

小题2: A                
小题3: B                        
小题4: C                  
小题5: D                     
小题1:D细节理解题。句意:球队里有几名队员?根据:There are nine players on each team.
小题2:A 细节理解题。句意:赛季持续到什么时候?根据文章The baseball season goes from April to September,故选A。              
小题3:B细节理解题。句意:棒球赛过后是什么赛季?根据:The football season begins when the baseball season ends棒球赛季借宿后足球赛季开始。故选B。                     
小题4:C 细节理解题。 根据:Boys and girls, young and old take turns to play.可知少男少女,年轻人,老人轮流参加比赛。故选C。                 
小题5:D 细节理解题。句意:美国最受欢迎的运动是什么?根据: American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the U.S.A。可知应选D。
Stress is a normal physical response to things that make people feel worried or break their balance of life in some way.
Stress isn’t always bad. Sometimes, people’s stress is important during emergency situation, such as when a driver has to stop his car to avoid an accident. Sometimes, stress can help people do their best, like while getting ready before a big competition or exam.
However, too much or long-term stress gives people a stress overload. People with stress overloads may have problems remembering or concentrating on things. They are quick to get angry or lose patience. They may even have other problems, such as sleeping problems, headache and often getting colds.
What are some ways to deal with stress?
Ask for help.
Everyone has stress. For many people, stress is so common that it has become a way of life. Don’t be too shy to tell your parents or teachers that you are having a hard time. They may comfort you or give you some useful advice. Sometimes just sharing your problems with someone else can make you feel better.
Solve the little problems.
Develop skills to calmly look at a problem, choose a way to solve it and take action. Solving the little problems successfully helps to build confidence to move on life’s bigger ones.
Learn to relax.
Activities that make people clam and happy can help manage stress. For example, reading a good book, enjoying music, spending time with your parents, getting a good night’s sleep, or just taking a relaxing bath are all good ways to reduce your stress..
Encourage yourself with positive words.
When you are under your stress, saying certain things to yourself may help you feel more confident. For example, you might tell yourself, “I will do the best that I can.” or “I can handle this if I take it one step at a time.”
小题1:People with stress overloads may___________.
a. have trouble concentrating on things         b. have good memories
c. have sleeping problems                   d. easy to get impatient
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Stress is a kind of serious heart disease.
B.Stress is always bad for people.
C.Stress is always useless for an exam.
D.Stress is greatly needed sometimes.
小题3:Which is NOT the way that people solve their stress?
A.Sharing problems with others to get help.
B.Relaxing by enjoying music.
C.Try to be confident.
D.Having disagreement with someone else.
小题4:What does the underlined word handle in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?
小题5:The purpose of this article is to tell us_____________.
A.how to get good results with the help of stress
B.what a stress overload is and how to get rid of it
C.how to deal with stress and reduce it
D.what problems stress overloads might cause
Making sense of how the US shows humor
Living in a new country gives me many surprises. The first surprise was the way that the US people speak.
One day I saw someone was having a public speech in a square. I thought it would be a serious speech. But I soon found it became a kind of entertainment show.
The speaker told the audience to protect the environment with humorous words. Later he said some people’s behavior didn’t go with their words. He took the example of Taylor Swift’s song We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.
He said that since Swift doesn’t want to be with the boy any more, she doesn’t need to speak it aloud, she doesn’t need to sing unless she still keeps in touch with that guy. It sounds like she is a hypocrite.
Then he sang the song in a funny way. The audience laughed out loudly. I felt a little angry because Swift is my favourite star. I couldn’t understand why they laughed at Swift.
As time goes on, I find many US people make fun of others. But they don’t mean to hurt them. They do that to show closeness and humour. And people who are laughed at seldom get angry. Now I understand the speaker at the square. Now I’ve got used to the way the US people speak.
It’s easy to find culture shock when you’re in a new place. But everyone should learn to understand different cultures and customs. 
小题1:The man in the square was _______________.
A.teaching people how to give a speech
B.calling on people to protect the environment
C.giving a singing show in public
D.criticizing the US government
小题2: What does the underlined word “hypocrite” in Paragraph 4 mean?
小题3:From Paragraph 6, we learn that_________________.
A.many US people like to laugh at others
B.many US people are friendly and humorous
C.the US people get angry at others easily
D.the writer doesn’t like the way the US people speak
小题4:Which is Not suitable for the passage?
A.The writer went to America and protect the environment.
B.Americans show humour in a different way from China.
C.It’s easy to find culture shock when you are in a new place.
D.Tailor Swift is an American famous singer.
小题5:What does the article mainly talk about?
A.Differences between the Chinese and the US people.
B.In what way the US people speak in public.
C.How to get used to life in the US.
D.A Chinese girl’s culture shock experience in the US.
Do you have a beautiful dream? I know almost everyone    his own dream in his life. The dreams are very important      them. The dreams can make them    harder.  
I am      in a school now. I do well in all my subjects.    the teachers like me very much. My dream is    a teacher in west China. Many children there want to go to school      they can't. Their families are poor and their parents don't have enough money      their children to school. I think that going to school and studying is the only      to change their life.
Teachers are       needed there, so I want to be a teacher to help them. I will be kind to my students and make with them. All the children      like to talk with me, too. I will give them love and teach them      to be a useful person. I think it is      interesting job in the world. I hope my dream can      !
A.to workB.to studyC.worksD.study
A.beB.doC.to doD.to be
A.to sendB.sendingC.to makeD.making
A.greatly B.very C.greatD.no
A.friendsB.a friendC.modelsD.a model
A.hereB.thereC.in hereD.in there
A.find outB.come outC.look forD.come true
Mrs. Brown lived in a small town near a big farm. One Friday afternoon after she finished          housework, she went to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and       outside. She liked to see the green farm. There were many cows, horses and small animals           the farm. Suddenly she saw a kangaroo(袋鼠) under her window. It was interesting to see that it was           an old jacket. It stood there and looked hungry. Mrs. Brown gave some bread           water to it. The kangaroo ate them          . Then it became happy and jumped away. Suddenly something dropped on the          from its jacket pocket. It was a wallet! She picked it up, opened and found there was $300 and a photo in it. That was a man's photo with his name "John" on it. John? She looked more           and remembered she had a brother many years ago. His name was also John. "Is this man my lost brother?" she thought. She took the wallet with her and began to         the man. She asked many people in the town, and then she came to the farm and asked the farmer. To her great surprise, it was John, her lost brother. They were very excited and          to see each other.
A.findB.callC.look forD.look after

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