

1.What are the right clothes to protect your skin from the sun ?

A.A baseball hat and light-colored clothes.

B.A baseball hat and dark-colored clothes.

C.A sun hat and light-colored clothes.

D.A sun hat and dark-colored clothes.

2.Where shouldn’t you put sun cream on your body?

A.On your ears and neck.                   B.Around your eyes and eyelids.

C.On dry skin.                            D.On darker skin.

3.What is the right way to use sun cream ?

A.Use a little and often                     B.Use a lot, two or three times a day.

C.Use a lot every two hours.                 D.Use a little every two hours.

4.Why is it important to spend time in the sun?

A.You can drink more water.

B.It improves dry skin.

C.It’s a chance to wear cool sunglasses.

D.It helps keep your skin and bones healthy.

5.According to the text which of the following is true about sun cream?

A.Sun cream is usually very expensive.

B.Black people don’t need sun cream.

C.Sun cream reduces the risk of skin cancer.

D.Sun cream starts to work immediately.










1.由①中的Use a proper sun hat和⑦中的best solution is to wear dark-colored clothes可知保护皮肤是太阳帽和深颜色的衣服。

2.由表格③中的Sun cream hurts the eyes可知防晒霜会伤到眼睛,故可推知防晒霜不可以涂在眼睛周围。

3.由表格⑤中的Put more sun cream on every two hours.可知每隔两个小时多涂一些防晒霜是正确的。

4.由表格⑧中You need to spend time in the sun to get enough vitamin D for healthy skin and bones可推知晒太阳对皮肤和骨骼是很重要的。

5.由表格⑧中的Without sun cream you have a bigger risk of skin cancer可推知防晒霜有减少皮肤癌的几率的功效。



Do you think that French fries are really French? French fries are called "pommes frites" in France and they are not from France. French fries come from Belgium(比利时) originally. French fries are made of potatoes, and they are cut and fried. The fried potatoes are called French fries because they were fist seen by Americans in Belgium, but they were fried in the French way. The French way is to fry potatoes twice with a small pause in the middle.
During World War I, there were a lot of hungry American soldiers in Northern France and Belgium. They ate French fries in Belgium. After the war was over, the soldiers went back home to America. However, they missed French fries so much that they made French fries at home. That's how French fries were fist introduced to America.
French fries were called Belgian fries once, but the name was finally changed to French fries. Sometimes French fries are just called fries.
French fries are one of the most popular potato foods in America. American fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King have French fries on their menus. French fries are freshly fried, and usually served with hamburgers.
If you visit any fast food restaurant in America and order a hamburger, you will probably hear "You want fries with that?"Why don't you think about the history of French fries a little while, and say "Yes, please. Thank you."
【小题1】What are French fries made of?
【小题2】Where do French fries originally come from?
【小题3】Why are the fried potatoes called French fries?
【小题4】Who first introduced French fries to America?
【小题5】What does the underlined "that" in the last paragraph refer to?

An old farmer lived with his little grandson. Every day the farmer got up early to read books.
One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I want to read books just like you, but I don’t understand them. What are the advantages of reading?” The grandfather said, “Take this litter basket to the river and bring me back a basket of water.” he boy did, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “ You’ll have to walk faster next time.”
This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. The boy said, “ See Grandpa, it’s useless!”
So you think it is useless?” the old man said. “Look at the basket.”
The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that the basket was different. It was clean, inside and out.
“That’s what happens when you read books. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read them, you will be changed, inside and out.”
【小题1】The grandfather got up early to __________.

A.repair a basketB.do farm workC.wake up his grandsonD.read books
【小题2】The underlined phrase “leaked out” means “______” in Chinese.
【小题3】The passage might be written for ___________ to read.
A.children who like asking questions
B.children who like playing with water
C.children who dislike farming
D.children who dislike reading
【小题4】 The basket was ________ in the end.
【小题5】 What can we know from the passage?
A.The old farmer might be changed by reading.
B.The old farmer played tricks on his grandson.
C.The little boy got a full basket of water at last.
D.The old farmer was angry when he saw the empty basket.

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