
  Tina Lin was not like many of her classmates.She didn’t listen to popular music.She didn’t watch many movies, and she wasn’t interested in nice clothes.

  When she got together with her friends, they wanted to listen to rock and top music.When Tina asked if they would like to try classical music, they all looked at her strangely.

  “Classical music is for old people,”one of her friends said.

  Tina was worried that something was wrong with her.She decided to talk to her father.As she entered his study, he could sense something was wrong.

  “Dad, am I strange?”she asked her father.

  “Of course not,”he answered.“Why do you ask that?”

  “Because I don’t like the same things as my classmates.They want to listen to Mariah Carey”s music.I like Yo Yo Ma.”

  “I think I understand.Tina, it’s all right to be your own person.You don’t have to copy what other people do.Everybody has different tastes.Some of them are popular, and others aren’t.”

  After Tina spoke with her father, she felt better about herself.She realized that being different made her special.It was an important lesson for her to learn.


Why did Tina speak with her father?

[  ]


To tell him about Yo Yo Ma.


To discuss a problem she was having.


To give him some advice.


To tell him what her friends like doing.


How did Tina’s father make her feel?

[  ]










What does the underlined phrase“be your own person”mean?

[  ]


Do what’s right for you.


Try to make other people happy.


Do what others hate.


Try to own everything yourself.


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Classical music is better than pop music.


Friends can say cruel things sometimes.


Tina found a new friend.


You don’t have to be like everyone else.

     Many people invented toys. Most of them were kids. Kids are better than adults at inventing toys. They
can use everything to make toys.
     But sometimes adults can make the old ones more popular. For example, People first played yo-yos in
ancient (古代的) Greece. About two hundred years ago they became very popular with children, first in
England and then in the United States. Later people didn't like them, In 1928, Donald Duncan went into the
yo-yo business. He had some "Yo-yo men" and let them go door to door selling yo-yos. Soon more and more
people began to play yo-yos. Today the name Duncan still goes with yo-yo.
     People named teddy bears after Teddy Roosevelt, a president of the United States. But he didn't invent
teddy bears. People play crayons (蜡笔) many years ago. Edwin Binney and Harold C. Smith decided to
make them in some colors and sell them to schools. Kids enjoyed using them very much.
1. This article is about _______.
A. yo-yos
B. toys
C. kids
D. American history
2. Who invented yo-yos?
A. The ancient Greeks.
B. Harold C. Smith
C. A man named YO YO
D. A child of two hundred years ago
3. The name Duncan still goes with yo-yo today because Duncan _______.
A. was a yo-yo man
B. made yo-yos popular again
C. liked playing yo-yos
D. invented yo-yos
4. Whom id Edwin Binney sell crayons to?
A. School kids
B. Businessmen
C. Workers
D. Teachers'
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Adults usually do better than Kid in making toys
B. In 1928,Yo-yo became popular with children first in America, and then in England
C. The US president, Teddy Roosevelt invented teddy bears
D. Edwin and Harold sold crayons to school children

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