
It’s generous _______ them to donate money to UNICEF. They think it important _______ them to help poor children go to school.

A. to; for            B. for; of                                            C. of; to               D. of; for





试题分析:句意:他们把钱捐给UNICEF,他们是很大方。他们认为帮助贫穷的孩子上学这件事情是重要的。本题考查It’s +形容词+of/for sb to do句型。当形容词表示客观情况,形容这件事本身时,用for句型,如 It’s difficult for me to learn Japanese.指的是学日语这件事情困难。而当形容词表示主观感情或态度,说明人的性格品质时,用of句型,如It’s kind of you to help me.你是善良的。故选D。

考点:考查It’s +形容词+of/for sb to do句型。



My friend’s grandfather came to America from Eastern Europe. After being processed (移民入境检查) at Ellis Island, he went into a cafeteria (自助餐厅) in Lower Manhattan to get something to eat. He sat down at a table and waited for someone to take his order. But nobody came to him. Later a woman with a plate full of food sat down opposite him and told him how a cafeteria worked.

“Start out at the end,” she said. “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end he’ll tell you how much you have to pay.”

“I soon learned that’s how everything works in America,” the grandfather told my friend. “Life is like a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want only if you are willing to pay the money. You can even get success, but you’ll never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it yourself.”

1.Where do you think the old man came from?

A. Poland.                   B. Australia.                          C. Canada.                            D. Japan

2.From the passage, we know if you want to get success in America, you should _________.

A. get help form your friends                                   B. try to get it by yourself

C. know how a cafeteria works                              D. get up again if you fail

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The old man sat down opposite the woman so that she could take his order.

B. The old woman sat down opposite the old man so that she could serve him.

C. Although the woman didn’t know the old man, she told him how to get something to eat in the cafeteria.

D. Although the woman didn’t know the old man, she decided to pay the bill for him.

4.What does the word “it” in the third paragraph (段落) refer to?

A. The food served in the cafeteria.                    

B. The success one wants to get.

C. The bill one has to pay in the cafeteria.

D. The plate used in the cafeteria.

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. From Eastern Europe to America           

B. Eating in an American Cafeteria

C. How to Eat in a Cafeteria                                   

D. Life Is Like a Cafeteria in America


Every culture has a recognized (公认的) point when a child becomes an adult, when rules must be followed and tests passed.

    In China, although teenagers can get their ID cards at 16, many only see themselves as an adult when they are 18. In the US, where everyone drives, the main step to the freedom of adult life is learning to drive. At 16, American teens take their driving test. When they have their license(证), they drive into the grown-up world.

    "Nobody wants to ride the cheese bus to school," said Eleanor Fulham, 17. "It's like you're not cool if you don't have a car," she said.

    According to a recent research, 41% of 16 to 19 year olds in the US own cars, up from 23% in 1985. Although, most of these cars are bought by parents, some teens get part-time jobs to help pay.

    Not all families can afford cars for their children. In cities with undergrounds and limited(有限的) parking, some teenagers don't want them. But in rich areas outside the city, if there are no undergrounds, and bicycles are more for fun than cars, it is strange for a teenager not to have a car.

    But police say 16-year-olds have almost three times more accidents than 18 and 19-year-olds. This has made many parents stop before letting their kids drive. They need to wait until they are more experienced.

    Julie Susiana, of Virginia, decided that her son Chad, 15, will wait until he is 17 to apply for his learner's permit (许可)

    Chad said he has accepted his parents' decision, although it has caused some laughing from his friends. "They say that I am unlucky," he said. "But I'd rather be alive than driving, and I don't really trust my friends on the road either."

    In China as more families get cars, more 18-year-olds learn to drive. Will this become a big step to becoming an adult?

1.16-year-old drivers have more accidents possibly because _______.

A. they want to show themselves off     

B. they are not experienced drivers

C. older people always drive better                

D. they never drive carefully on the road

2.Which may NOT be taken into consideration when deciding whether to buy a car?

A. How rich the family is.                          

B. Whether the kid is old enough.

C. What traffic condition there is around. 

D. Whether it's practically needed.

3.The passage mainly gives information about _______.

A. an American culture about teenagers' driving

B. a change in the Chinese culture

C. a cultural difference between America and China

D. the relationship between driving and a person's development

4.Which may serve as the best title of the article?

A. Cars Helping You to Grow Up               B. Driving into the Grown-up World

C. Teenagers' Driving in America                      D. Recognized Point of Becoming an Adult


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