
People, animals, and other things make sounds (声音).

Sounds can be loud (大声的) or quiet, happy or unhappy.

Sounds are very important. Most people and animals use sounds, to communicate (交流) with each other. Many things also make useful sounds. Drums (鼓) and pianos bring us music. Bells in school tell us to have classes on time.

What is sound? Well, there is sound when an object (物体) vibrates (震动), or moves (移动) back and forth very fast. A vibrating object makes the air around it move. This is how sound travels. For example, when a driving car passes by, the air around it vibrates. When the vibrating air gets to your ear, you hear the sound of the passing car. We call the vibrating air sound waves (声波).

There are different kinds of sounds. Some sounds are loud. Others are quiet. The loudness of sound is called volume (音量). Very loud sounds are bad for your ears. Be careful around loud sounds. Cover your ears with your hands when you hear them, or move away from the loud sounds. When you use earphones to listen to music, make sure it is not too loud.

Sounds are everywhere in our life. Enjoy the sounds of the world and be careful with your ears!

1.Sounds are very important because .

A.most students have music classes at school.

B.most children like playing the piano and drum.

C.most people and animals communicate with sounds.

2.How does sound travel?

A.An object vibrates in a driving car.

B.An object moves back and forth very slowly.

C.An object vibrates and makes the air around it move.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Very quiet sounds are bad for your ears.

B.Turn down the volume when we listen to the music.

C.Different kinds of sounds have the same volume.


One Sunday a young father was walking through the park. He was pushing a pram. There was a very young baby in the pram and it was crying loudly. The young father said softly, “Take it easy, Martin. Keep calm, Martin. Control yourself, Martin.” The young father walked on but the child cried louder. The father stopped and took a Teddy bear out of a bag. He gave it to the child.

He said softly, “Take it easy, Martin. Keep calm, Martin. Control yourself. Martin.” The young father started to push the pram again. After a few minutes the child began to cry. It cried louder and longer. The father put his hand into his pocket and took out some chocolate. He gave a piece to the child and said softly, “Take It easy, Martin, Keep calm, Martin. Control yourself. Martin.” The young father walked on. Three minutes later the child started to cry. It cried louder and louder and louder. The father took the baby out of the pram and held it in his arms. He said softly. “Take it easy, Martin. Keep calm, Martin. Control yourself, Martin.” The child did not stop crying. It cried louder and louder.

An old woman was watching the father. She walked across to the young father and she smiled. She said, “You are doing very well, young man. You talk to the child with a calm and quiet voice.” The old woman looked at the child and said, “What’s wrong, Martin. Why are you crying?” The father said quickly, “He is so young that he can’t say and understand what you are talking!”

1.How many times did the young father comfort (安抚) the baby?

A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six

2.Which picture can describe the underlined word “pram” in Paragraph 1?

A. B. C. D.

3.What did the father take out to comfort the baby?

A.a Teddy bear, candy B.a bag, some chocolate

C.a Teddy bear, some chocolate D.a bag, a Teddy bear

4.The father was_______when the baby was crying.

A.Angry B.Happy C.Sad D.Gentle

5.The old woman said to the baby in order to________.

A.play jokes on the baby B.praise the father C.give the father a hand D.laugh at the baby

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