
61. Tony Green

He is 12 years old and interested in English stories.

62.Betty King

Want to be a good bus driver. She enjoys driving a bus.

63. Lily Smith

A manager in the Great Hotel in Shanghai.

64. Sarah

She is from London. She wants to have afternoon tea or have a drink with friends.

65. Mrs. Zhang

She thinks people should have healthy food and drink. She often asks her children not to get too fat.

A. http://www healthy club. Com/

If you want to be healthy, try to eat healthy food and drink. Carrots , eggs, potatoes are good for your eyes and milk and fish are good for our teeth. Don’t drink Cola a lot.

B.http://www. chinese festivals com/

Chinese should love our own festivals. Spring festival is Chinese traditional festivals. People can see the lion dance. It’s excellent.

C. http://www. tea party .net/

Come and have afternoon tea in the garden. You can see beautiful flowers and enjoy good sunshine together. Have a talk with friendly people.

D. http://www. Chenchuan bus company. com/

Good service for passengers. Convenient(方便的) to get to the places you want. Want to be a bus driver, call 2689675.

E. http://www.english stories.com/

Junior students are welcome. You can read lots of interesting stories in English and you can buy story books.

F. http://www.great hotel.com/

A hotel in Shanghai. Perfect room and business centre. Not expensive. Very easy to get to the train station.

G. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/

Watch and listen to the news with video frequency(视频), just like watching a TV set.






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