
There are not many people around who say they like rats(老鼠). When you see one of them, you may want to run in the opposite direction.

There is one man though who has always enjoyed staying with rats, even when he was a young boy. His name is Bart Weetjens and he comes from Belgium in Europe. As he grew up, he learned everything about rats. He knew that they have a very strong sense of smell. He realized that it might be possible to train rats to help solve a problem that troubled some Southeast Asian countries.

Clearing away unexploded bombs and landmines(未爆炸的炸弹和地雷) is a difficult job. Bart began to train rats to look for explosives. Because a rat’s sense of smell is so strong, they are able to smell a thing known as TNT that is used in bombs. And because rats are not heavy, if they place their weight on an unexploded bomb, they will not cause it to explode(爆炸).

Bart chose African Giant Pouched Rats for the job. They are well known for being calm and smart. Training begins when they are about six weeks old, and it lasts for nine months. Once trained, one rat can search up to 200m in 20 minutes. The same area would take a human up to four days. Trained rats are known as Mine Detection Rats, or MDRs, and they have worked successfully in Cambodia since 2015.

1.When Bart Weetjens was a young boy, he enjoyed ____________.

2.As Bart Weetjens grew up, he learned that rats have a very ____________.

3.Rats will not cause an unexploded bomb to explode because they are ____________.

4.It takes ____________ to train African Giant Pouched Rats.

5.MDRs have ____________ since 2015.


A Chinese man brought his favourite dishes reganmian and hot pot (火锅) to Rovaniemi, Finland. He became the first Chinese to open a restaurant in the Arctic Circle (北极圈). Hu Liang, from Central China's Hubei Province, moved to Finland after leaving university at 21. For the last twelve years, he has seen more and more Chinese tourists visiting the country to enjoy the winter holiday.

"Chinese people are becoming richer and more international. What has not changed is their . So decided to open the restaurant," said Hu.

Hu's restaurant provides reganmian a traditional Wuhan noodle, as well as Chinese hot pot. He buys ingredients (原料) from China online and offers e—payment which is popular among Chinese people such as Alipay.

At price of 18.45 dollars, a bowl of reganmian is not only great comfort for Chinese tourists who have travelled from thousands of miles away, but it also appeals to local Finns.

In Rovaniemi, with a population of around 60,000, Hu receives more than 300 guests in the peak season (最繁忙的季节) to offer people a "hot" experience in the cold, snowy land.

Married to a Finnish woman and father to one child, Hu enjoys the local life with lots of skiing and ice fishing trips.

He said he would bring his child to Wuhan, and try to switch (转换) between the two cities every half year.

1.Hu Liang moved to Finland ________.

A.to open a restaurant B.with his family C.12 years ago D.to get a better education

2.Which of the following words can be put in ""?

A.language B.opinions C.colour D.stomach

3.Hu Liang's restaurant __________.

A.receives thousands of guests in the peak season B.provides both Chinese and Finnish dishes

C.makes use of local ingredients D.offers customers e—payment

4.What does the underlined phrase "appeals to" mean in the fourth paragraph?

A.改变 B.吸引 C.帮助 D.影响

5.Which of the following is TRUE about Hu Liang?

A.He built a family in Finland. B.He will move back to Wuhan.

C.He thinks it is too cold in Finland D.He offers his guests ice fishing trip.

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