According lo a new survey . Students’ safety has become a big problem .Nearly 50% of students say they are worried about robbery (抢劫)on the way to and from school.Now in main big China some schools have taught all unusual lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.
Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No 25 Middle School .give young students advice on how to deal with danger
If you are robbed
Keep calm.lf youcan not cry for help or run away.Give the robber your money.Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later. If you are in a traffic accident.
It a car hitsyou. You should remember the car number.If it is a bicycle. Try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt
If it is raining hard and there is lighting. (闪电)
Don’t stay in high places and stayaway from trees.
When there is a fire.Get away as fast as yon can.Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit.Do not lake the lift.
If someone is drowning(溺水)
If you can’t swim. don’t get into the water. Cry out for help.
Remember that danger is never as far away as you think.Take care of yourself at alI times!
【小题1】Why do students like the self-protection lesson?
①Because there are no tests.
②Because the lessons are boring
③ Because they can learn how to save lives.
④Because they know how to slop danger before it happens.
【小题2】What will you do if a bicycle hurts you?
A.I will remember the bicycle number.
B.I won't let the rider go until I rail my parents.
C.will let the rider go before I call my parents.
D.I will letthe rider go because I know how seriously I am hurt.
【小题3】lf your house is on fire,you must _ .
A.put dry things on your body quickly and take the lift away and find an exit as quickly as you Can
D.take everything you have and then run away
【小题4】There _ ways of self-protection mentioned in the passage.
A.3B.4C.5 D.6
【小题5】The best title for this passage is_ .
A.How to Keep CalmB.Self-protection
C.An usual lesson D.Danger

What do you do if you're in trouble on a lonely island? Surely you need to find a way to get in touch with the outside world. Your best chance of doing this is to draw the attention of a passing plane.
Body signals (信号)
Pilots from different countries understand body signals if they have the correct training, When you wave your arms up and down in a straight line, it means, "yes". When you point downwards and swing your arm from side to side, it means "no". If you want the pilot to know that it's safe to land, push your hands out in front of you and bend (弯曲) your knees. If you want to say that it's not safe to land, put your arms in the air and move them to one side.
Smoke signals
The smoke from a fire can be seen from far away, so it’s a good way to draw attention. If the weather is dry, it isn’t hard to start a fire. Remember, however, that fires can be very dangerous if they get out of control. Never light a tire unless you're sure that it can’t spread. If the ground is dark, light smoke can be seen more easily. Green grass and leaves produce light smoke.
Ground-to-air signals
It's a good idea lo build some signals, too. Use large pieces of wood to make the symbols (标记). If you can't find any wood, use earth. Some useful symbols are:
F "I need food and water"
II "I need medicine."
I "I am badly hurt."
X "I am unable lo move from here."
Pilots' replies
If the pilot lowers the plane's wings from side to side, this means: "message received and understood" (At night, the pilot flashes the plane's green lights.) If the pilot flies the plane in a clockwise circle, this means "message received hut not understood" (At night, the: pilot flashes the plants red lights.)
However, there is no signal which means "message not received. Why not'?
【小题1】How many signals can we use to draw the attention of the passing plane if you're in trouble?

【小题2】Which picture means "it's not safe to land"?

【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A. Swinging your arm from side to side means "yes"
B. If the ground is dark, light smoke can’t be seen.
C If you need some medicine, make a symbol “Ⅱ”.
D. The pilots make replies with a blue light at night.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The explanation of building signals on an island.
B.The importance of making signals on an island.
C.Ways of sending out signals on a lonely island.
D.Ways of receiving signals from a lonely island.

Tony is reading an advertisement in a magazine.  It is about different evening classes or weekend classes.

The Learning Centre, Garden City

We have evening and weekend courses on ...

test preparation            friends and meeting people

jobs and making money     cooking and language learning

Some of this month's courses:

1. Get good grades!

Do you forget information and do poorly on tests? In this course, learn to...

※ remember more (95 percent of what you read).

※ think quickly and read fast (400 words per minute!).

※ do well on tests and get high scores.

2. Find true!

Are you single and shy? Is it hard for you to talk to people?

In this course, learn to...

talk lo people; start a conversation with a man or woman.

be more friendly and outgoing.

※ understand a person's body language.

3. You are on TV!

Many actors get their start in television. You can too! In this course, learn to...

※ act in TV ads.

※ use your voice on the radio.

※ get TV and radio jobs.

4. Cook delicious and healthy food!

Are you interested in cooking? Do you want to keep healthy? In this course, learn to...

※ keep a balanced diet.

※ cook delicious traditional Chinese food.

※ make western-style food. This course is also online al www. dffh. net. cn.

1.In the Learning Center, you won't learn how to______.

A. prepare for a test    B. make money

C. learn a language     D. get along well with others

2. After taking course 1, you can't_______.

A. think quickly

B. improve your memory

C. remember everything you read

D. finish reading a 200-word passage in 30 seconds

3.After taking course 3, you can learn how to_______.

A. become an actor (actress)   B. become a radio reporter

C. become a TV host (hostess)   D. get a job in a radio station

4.Which course is allowed to take online?

A. Course 4.   B. Course 3.   C. Course 2.   D. Course 1.

5.What's the advertisement about?

A. Finding true love.         B. Getting good jobs.

C. Cooking delicious food.     D. Different evening and weekend classes.


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