
1. When do children in Western countries usually start to do chores to get money?
A. When they're 6.
B. When they're 10.
C. When they're 12.
2. Children do chores only on weekends because ______.
A. they have to study from Monday to Friday
B. they want to play from Monday to Friday
C. they have nothing 10 do on weekends
3. Which of the following do younger kids often do?
A. Cook dinner for the family.
B. Cut grass.
C. Feed the family cat or dog.
4. Older kids have to do more chores to ______.
A. give the younger Ones more candy
B. get more money
C. have more candy
5. The writer wants to tell us that ______.
A. getting money is not easy
B. doing chores-takes time
C. doing chores is good for kids
1-5      BACBC