
We are in a world full of competition. Our parents compete(竞争) with others in their office, our brothers and sisters compete with others in their colleges, and we compete with our classmates in school. (41) Many of us give up in the face of competition and will never be successful. Why can’t we do better than others? One important reason is that we have no self-confidence.
In fact, everyone is born equal. You can do what others do. (42)尽管你的同学可能在某些方面比你优秀,但你也可能在其它功课上比他们好。So everyone has his own advantages(优点). Don’t look at things from a single (单个的)point of view. Try to discover your own advantages, and believe that you can do better than others in those ways.
Competition is not so terrible. Don’t be afraid of it. And don’t be afraid of those classmates who are better than you. Remember that self-confidence is the first step to(43) ______. Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day.
1. 请将黑体字翻译成汉语:_____________________________________________________
2. 请将画线部分翻译成英语:____________________________________________________
3. 在空白处填上适当的词:_________
4. 请找出此句的同义句 “All of us are living in a world which is filled with competition.”
5. 找出本段文章的中心句:_______________________________________________________
2. Although/ Though your classmates may be better than you in some ways, you may be better than them at other subjects.
3. success
4. We are in a world full of competition.
5.  Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day.
Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life. You shouldn’t waste this wonderful opportunity to learn. Here is our advice for you to have a happy school-life.
小题1:Don’t say things are difficult or boring. Be interested in school-life and your school subjects. Join lots of activities. Be quick to put your hand up. Go round the school with a big smile. 
小题2:School is not a holiday camp. If you are not working, you are not learning, and you are wasting your time at school. Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.
小题3: If you don’t eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class. If you go to bed late and do not have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class. Play some sports to keep your body strong.
小题4:Do not say you will do things tomorrow. If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front. You cannot finish a race if you rest all the time.
小题5:Everyone fails some tests, loses some matches and has bad days. Friends are not always perfect, and they sometimes say and do unpleasant things. Don’t let small problems seem very big and important.
阅读上面5段语言材料, 从中找出与它们相对应的标题, 并将其标号填入语段前的括号内。其中有两个选项是多余的。
A. Plan your holiday.
B. Don’t be too disappointed if things sometimes go badly.
C. Do today’s work today.
D. Be active in school!
E. Expect to work!
F. Talk about problems.
G. Keep fit.
缺词填空 先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所给单词在题后横线上必须完整写出。(本大题共6分,每格0.5分)
There are four people in my family. Every day my parents are very busy t   1 to make money in order to pay the high tuition(学费)for my brother and me. They hardly say "I love you" or send f   2  to each other. Besides,my father has a bad temper(脾气).It is easy for him to lose his temper w  3   he’s very tired from the hard work. I didn’t know whether there was love between them u 4_  one spring. At that time,my father suddenly got badly sick. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they r _5__ from the hospital,they both looked very pale . It s_ _6__  that both of them had a serious illness.
After they were back,my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road every day in the morning and dusk(黄昏). H __7 ,after two months my father still couldn’t walk by  h__8_  .All of us were worried about him.
"Dad,how are you f _9__ now?"  I asked him one day.
"Susan,don’t worry about me.”he said i  10 a low voice.“I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.”Reading his eyes,I know he loves my mother very much.
Maybe many people think love m _11___  flowers,presents and sweet kisses. But from this experience,I understand that love is  _12___,making life strong and warm.
LiLei: Hi, everyboby. I’m Jimmy. I like English very much, but I really need some advice on listening . Who can help me?
Jenny:  Don’t get nervous before you start to listen to something. You need to relax. This will help.
Dr.Smith:The first sentence tells a lot the whole passage.for example,if, at the beginning , you hear “Welcome back BBC news---”, you know you will hear a piece of news, not a children’s story, or a science report.
Shirley: When you’re listening, try to do some thinking. For example, you can think of the following questions: What happened? When, Where and how? What was the result (结果)and what did the speaker want to tell us? In this way, you may understand the passage better.
Josh:  It’s important for you to remember some important facts. for example, if the passage is a science report , you should try to remember its results and how the scientists got them.
A.listen to important facts.        B.listen carefully to the first sentence.
C.Relax yourself.               D.Think when you’re listening.

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