As we all know, iPhone are made in the USA, but popular in China . They were one of the symbols of high technology in the past. For most Chinese people, They are good but expensive. Some people even joke that they’ll sell their kidneys(肾)to buy an iPhone.

It brings us a question to think about—shall we buy one? It depends on people’s different situations. On the one hand, an iPhone is worth more than 6,000yuan. It’s not necessary for students to use such smart phones. On the other hand, if you are rich enough, 6,000 yuan is no big deal to you , then just buy one!It works better than some other phones. After all, you have enough money, then you can do whatever you want with your money.

With the development of 5G network, more and more people start to choose HUAWEI Mate 30 instead of iPhone 11 Pro Max. “We’ve found that more customers prefer to buy HUAWEI Mate 30 because of the good prices. Each one is sold about 4,000 yuan . If you compare its price with iPhone’s high price, you’ll choose HUAWEI Mate 30.” One salesman in a phone store told the reporter from Yunnan TV station. “All of the phones need to run on electricity. You’ll be surprised to see that HUAWEI’s battery(电池)works longer than iPhone’s We all take pride in products made in China.” He said.


1.How do most Chinese people like iPhone?

A.Only rich people can buy it.

B.They think iPhones are good but expensive.

C.They must sell their kidneys to buy an iPhone.

D.It’s necessary for students to use such smart phones.

2.The underlined phrase “no big deal” in the second paragraph probably means____________.

A.not awful B.not funny C.not important D.not fair

3.More customers prefer to buy _____________________.

A.HUAWEI Mate 30 B.iPhone 11 Pro Max

C.both HUAWEI Mate 30 and iPhone 11 Pro Max D.neither HUAWEI Mate 30 nor iPhone 11 Pro Max

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.iphones are made in Korea.

B.HUAWEI Mate 30 is made in China.

C.HUAWEI’s battery works shorter than iphone’s

D.HUAWEI Mate 30 is more expensive than iPhone 11.

5.The passage might be from ____________________.

A.a story book English novel C.a dictionary D.a TV report

Drriinnggg! That’s the sound children across the country do not want to hear — the alarm bell(闹铃). This means children across the UK have to wake up bright and early to go to school.

But students at one school in north-east England can lie in for one more hour before they go to school. Monkseaton High School says it’s OK for students to come into school an hour later than other schools.

The headmaster, Dr Paul Kelley, says that it helps students to be more active in class. He feels that young people work better later in the day and a late start may be better for their school life than an early one.

Dr Kelley told the BBC that teenagers don’t work very well in the morning and their need to sleep is biological(生物学的).

This new approach(做法) to teaching shows good results. The school has already seen a drop in the number of students playing truant(逃学) by 27%. More importantly, Dr Kelley also said that exam results have improved by 20-30% over the past year.

Lessons at Monkseaton High School begin at 10 a.m. and finish at 3.40 p.m. However, the school opens from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

1.One of the results of starting school late is that _____.

A.students don’t do very well in exams B.students become more polite

C.students feel tired in the afternoon D.fewer students are absent(缺席) from school

2.We may learn from the passage that lessons at other schools in the UK may begin at _____.

A.7 a.m. B.8 a.m. C.9 a.m. D.10 a.m.

3.The underlined word “active” means “_____”.

A.乐观 B.活跃 C.紧张 D.消极

4.The article may be _____.

A.a story in a newspaper advertisement in a magazine

C.a news report on the radio D.a play on TV

Mails, games, music, news, chat rooms and shopping! The Internet is part of the way we live today. It’s easy to get onto the Internet. The only thing we need to do is to use a modem(调制解调器). We use it to connect(链接) a computer to a telephone line. The Internet is changing and growing all the time. More and more people have computers and use the Internet. Using the Internet means surfing the World Wide Web (That’s the “www” you always hear about.) The web has large numbers of the websites in it. They are the places you go to get information and do things.

Where do these websites come from? Web designers make them. What happens when you click on(点击) a word or a picture? You are sent to another page. It’s all because of the web designer. Web designers do a lot of work by using a computer programming(程序编辑) language.

Is Web design all about computer programming? No. it’s about making something new. Web designers must imagine(想象) a lot when they are making a website. It must look good and fun to use. A big part of Web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colors to make the website look good. They also write things that you can see on the Website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website managers about how to design the website well.

1.More and more people are using the Internet because it’s __________.

A.easy and useful B.beautiful and funny

C.colorful and hopeful D.changing and growing

2.The web designers do a lot of work except (除了) _________________.

A.making the websites new and beautiful

B.writing things on the Internet

C.doing the computer programming

D.following the manger’s ideas

3.This passage is mainly about ______________. programming language B.the web designers’ work

C.the website manager’s work D.the way to get onto the Internet

4.It’s possible(可能的) for us to change websites by just a click because of __.

A.the modem’s help B.the telephone line’s help

C.the web designers’ work D.the website manager’s work

Coober Pedy is a small town in the Australian desert. It’s famous not only for its opals (猫眼石), but also for a very unusual ________—the people there live and work underground.

Why do people choose to live under the ground? To avoid the hot days and cold nights—daytime temperatures can ________ to 50℃ or more and on a cold night they can fall to zero. The locals say that their strange lifestyle is the only answer ________ the unpleasant climate (气候). In the underground homes, the temperature is always a very pleasant 19℃ to 24℃. But that’s not the only advantage; the people there don’t need to pay builders if they want to build a home or make any ________.

You would be very surprised to see ________ people manage to live underground. They have modern kitchens and bathrooms. “People think it’s ________ to live here and that we’re like ancient people, but that’s not true.” says Bev Smith, ________ has lived in Coober Pedy for over 30 years. “When my husband, Larry, and I first came here, life was very ________ and many people decided to leave. But now, things have changed a lot, we have got used ________ here and we’re very comfortable. We now have underground shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and churches!”

Abigail and Brian Tynan left their large house in Melbourne (墨尔本) two years ago to have in an underground home. “My mouth ________ open when I saw my wonderful underground home,” remembers Brian. “I really enjoy living here.”

1.A.question B.problem C.matter D.reason

2.A.fall B.drop C.rise D.raise

3.A.with B.of

4.A.changes B.change C.changed D.changing well good C.what good D.what well

6.A.possible B.impossible C.important D.believable

7.A.which B.whom C.who D.whose

8.A.easy B.different C.difficult D.interesting live living

10.A.felt B.fell C.came D.made

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