
词汇运用 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)

(A) 根据句意,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。

1. I haven’t_______________believed what he said. (complete)

2. Daniel went abroad for further study in his________. Now he has returned home.  (twenty)

3.Neither Jim nor Tom sings well .Who sings           (bad) , Jim or Tom?

4.He has written down all the _________ names on a piece of paper.   (direct)

5.Sick children should be treated with _________.(kind)


6.The teacher’s only _______________ (想法) was for his students.

7. I don’t think it is a good _____________ for you to work in this company.(建议)

8.A lot of countries are all interested in    ____   Chinese medicine(进口)

9. I don’t like that my mother always ________ (比较) me with my classmates.

10. Many people are ___________ (反对) smoking in public places.




1. completely  2.twenties   43. worse   4. directors’   5.kindness


6. thought   7.suggestion   8. importing 9. compares    10.against






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