
  Which animals do we need most? Dogs? Cats? Horses? No! The answer to the question is cows!

  Why cows? Cows give us milk.And milk is one of our most important foods.Suppose(假设)that all the milk cows make in one year was put into bottles, and suppose these bottles were set side by side, the line of bottles would go all around the world 400 times!

  That is a lot of milk.Less than half of it is used for drinking and cooking.Most of it is used to make butter, cheese, ice-cream and many other things.

  It takes many cows to give us that much milk.But not as much as it used to.A cow used to give only about 1, 500 quarts(夸脱)of milk a year.Now a fine cow may give more than 3, 000 quarts in a year!

  Why do cows give more milk today? Farmers have better cows.The cows get better care and better food.For each two and a half pounds of grass that she eats, a fine cow makes about a pound of milk.But she may not give all the milk she makes.If she is unhappy, she may give only a small part of it.A cow is a friendly animal.If man is kind and speaks softly to her, she gives more milk.She also likes music.

  Cows give us more than just food.Their skin can be made into shoes.No animal does more for us than cows.

1.Why do we need cows most?


2.How much of the milk is used for drinking and cooking?


3.What is the most of the milk used to do?


4.Why does a fine cow now give twice as much milk as a cow used to?


5.What will happen if we make cows unhappy?



Some interesting animals


People in India think the cow (奶牛)is the mother of the earth. It gives so much but asks nothing in return. So in many Indian cities, people don’t eat or sell beef. Cows in India can walk free(免费) with the cars.


The zebra斑马belongs to属于 the horse family. They live in southern and central Africa. Zebras have excellent hearing and eyesight and are capable of running at speeds 速度of up to 40 miles per hour.


The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. They can’t walk. They use their strong back legs to jump. They can jump over 56 kilometres each hour. They can go over nine metres in one jump!

Gum trees

The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. It is 3 metres long and it weighs重 450 kilos. It can stand up on its back legs because it has very wide feet. It can use its front legs like arms. It can swim well.

Sea animals

1._________ is a member of the horse family.

A.The cow          B.The zebra         C.The kangaroo      D.The polar bear

2.The kangaroo can’t walk with its legs, but can________.

A.fly               B.swim             C.jump             D.run

3.If you walk in the street, you can meet a cow in________.

A.China            B.Australia          C.Africa            D.India

4.The polar bear lives on _______.

A.sea animals        B.grass             C.beef             D.gum trees

5.“In return” in the sentence “It gives so much but asks nothing in return” means ______in Chinese.  

A.归还             B.回报             C.轮流             D.要求


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