
Katrina often has French __________, tomatoes, chicken __________ dinner.

A.fry, for       B.fries, for        C.frys , at               D.fries, at

      On a cloudy aftemoon last September, Rubio watched Texas National Cuard soldiers help passengers
off planes at a small airport near College Station. All of them were running away from Hurricane (飓风) Ike.
They had something else in common as well. Each passenger wore a bright yellow wristband (腕标), RFID,
developed by Rubio's company. The wristband had a computer chip (芯片), which allowed the state's
emergency response center (急救中心) to follow the person who wore it.
     "The wristband really made a difference," says Rubio, adding that thousands of families who called the
state's emergency response center during the hurricane were able to find loved ones. The wristbands also
made a lot of money for Rubio's company.
     That's a goal Rubio could not have imagined even a few years ago, as a 36-year-old stay-at-home mum
with three kids under ten and a husband who traveled for work five days a week. "All I wanted was to have
my family back together," she says.
     Rubio considered doing something different after the birth of her third child and returned to work. A friend
suggested the technology of RFID. It wasn't new but was mainly used to find packages. 
    Rubio began imagining wider use of RFID, and in 2005 the wristband appeared at a business conference and
did a good job. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the company further used the technology, and later during
Ike about 27,000 people were successfully saved.
     "I'm a mum with three kids or a woman in a technology field. I've succeeded and got confidence (信心)."
Rubio also achieved something else. She finally has the family life she always wanted.
1. People wore wristbands during Hurricane Ike in order to ________.
A. protect them from being hurt
B. be allowed to get on the planes
C. lead their way to a safe place
D. be found easily by other people
2. Rubio decided to return to work because ________.
A. she wanted to make money
B. she liked the new technology
C. she needed a change in life
D. she was used to hard work
3. How did the wristband work according to the passage? 
A. Very well.
B. All right.
C. Not well.
D. Very badly.
4. What does Rubio think is the most important?
A. Usual business.
B. Family life.
C. Creat success.
D. Social position.


If you have to choose a “Person of the Year” for 2005 , who will you pick ?For many of us ,the choice might not be a person at all . It would be Mother Nature(大自然母亲).

While the world was still getting over the Indian tsunami(海啸)of December 2004 . Mother Nature went on showing her power throughout 2005 .

From July to October, about seven typhoons(台风)hit China’s coastal(沿海的)area.In August , the whole New Orleans city in the US was hit with its worst 一ever natural disaster , Hurricane Katrina . In early October , an earthquake in Pakistan killed more than 70,000 people .

Mother Nature was trying to give us a message:humans need to take responsibility(duty ) for the earth . She was just fighting back .

It is we humans who burn coal and oi1 to make electricity and power cars . This makes huge amount of greenhouse gases , which cause global warming .

It is we humans who cut forests and fill lakes to make space for buildings.This leaves fewer trees and lakes to keep floods(洪水)from rushing to towns and cities .

We need to work hard to ease(缓解)Mother Nature’s anger , or we’11 see more years of disasters.For example , we can start to use less electricity . Turn off lights , TVs and computers when we’re not using them . We can plant trees . One new tree a year from each of us can make a forest. Forests not only hold floods , they also take in greenhouse gases.

1 . The second paragraph mainly shows that_____________.

A . the Indian tsuami brought the people serious disasters

B . people in the world haven’t forgotten the Indian tsuami yet

C . people in  Indian areas are still overcoming difficulties and rebuilding

D . “Person of the Year” for 2005 is Mother Nature

2 . Why may Hurricane Katrina be the worst 一ever natural disaster in American recent history ?

A . Because the whole New Orleans City in America was destroyed badly .

B . Because a few meters high water waves crashed the walls .

C . Because it has never happened in the United States .

D . Because the people in New orleans were both out of water and food.

3 . What can cause such a serious disaster according to the passage ?

A . People burn coal and oi1 .              B . People cut down a lot of trees .

C . People change the lakes into fields .  D . All the answers above .

4 . The underlined phrase“take in” means “_____________” in Chinese .

A .放出                 B .挥发              C .吸收              D .制造

5 . The passage mainly tells us _____________.

A . to use less electricity and plant more trees

B . why the globe is getting warmer and warmer

C . that people should protect and love the earth

D . how to improve the environment around us

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