
--Who made a phone call for me just now, David?

--I don’t know, but it was a girl’s ________.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

The early history of the city of Rome involves Romulus and Remus,two orphan boys who,legend says,were raised by a she-wolf.The boys’ mother had been murdered by an evil king and the two babies tossed into the river Tiber.When the wolf found them they had washed up on the shore.She perhaps took pity on the crying of the babies and,gently picking them up in her teeth,she carried them back to her cave and fed them on her milk.The boys grew bigger and stronger and,eventually,were found by a herdsman who took them home.He and his wife raised the boys like their own children.When they reached manhood they sought revenge on the king who had killed their mother and driven them from their home.
They decided to build a city.Unfortunately,they argued over the appropriate site and Romulus killed his brother Remus.Romulus ruled this city — called Roma — for thirty-seven years.
The city of Rome is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world.If you travel there you can see a statue of the two baby boys feeding from their mother - the wolf.
【小题1】What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Wolves like to take care of human children.
B.The city of Rome had many wolves in the old days.
C.The city of Rome was founded by a wolf.
D.Romulus established the city of Rome.
【小题2】What is a herdsman?
A.someone who builds cities
B.someone who cares for children
C.someone who cares for domestic animals
D.someone who can hear very well
【小题3】"...they sought revenge on the king who had killed their mother..." means...
A.They attacked the king who had harmed their mother and made them orphans.
B.They went to court to sue the king for his crime against their mother.
C.They hired some gangsters to take care of their problem with the king.
D.They went to talk to the king about his crime against their mother.
【小题4】Which is true according to the passage?
A.It was the king who made Romulus and Remus orphans.
B.The boys didn’t grow well for lack of food.
C.The herdsman killed the wolf and took Romulus and Remus home.
D.The herdsman treated the boys well and told them to kill the king.
【小题5】We can infer from the passage that ____.
A.Romulus was cruel and became a bad ruler.
B.Animals can be as smart as humans.
C.Love is more powerful than revenge.
D.People of Rome want to pass on the story of the wolf boys.

In 1993 an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the filmmaker Walt Disney. He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney’s cartoon(动画片) film for children. When Walt Disney heard Nash’s voice, he said”Stop! That’s our duck!”
The duck was the now-famous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the firm The Wise Little Hen. Donald lived in an old houseboat(水上住家) and wore his sailor jacket and hat. Later that year he became a star after an eight – minute Mickey Mouse film. The cinema audience liked him because he was lazy and greedy(贪婪的), and because he lost his temper (发脾气) very quickly. And they loved his voice when he became angry with Mickey’s eight nephews(侄子). Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse himself, probably because he wasn’t a goody-goody like Mickey.
In the 1930S, ‘ 40s and ‘ 50s Donald and his friends Mickey, Goofy and Pluto made hundreds of Disney cartoons. He also made educational films about the place of the USA in the world, and safety in the home. Then in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappeared – there were no more new cartoons.
Clarence Nash died in February, 1985. But today’s children can still see the old cartoons on television and hear that famous voice.
【小题1】Who made Donald Duck film? ______

A.Mickey Mouse.B.Clarence Nash.
C.Walt Disney.D.Pluto.
【小题2】 When was the first Donald Duck film made? ______
A.In 1933.B.In 1934.C.In 1966.D.In 1930.
【小题3】Who was Clarence Nash? ______
A.A cartoonist.B.Donald Duck’s voice.
C.A film-maker.D.A film star.
【小题4】Where do today’s children see Donald Duck ? ______
A.In new film.B.At the cinema.
C.On television.D.At concerts.
【小题5】 The underlined word”audience” in the second paragraph means______ .
A.readsB.formal interview
C.law freedomD.the people who watch a film at a cinema

①"I will think of it."It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking? Though we can not see, or hear, or feel our thoughts, they have great power (力量) !

②Isaac Newton was seated in his garden on a summer evening when he saw an apple fall from a tree. He began to think, and tried to find out why the apple fell. Then he discovered how the earth, sun, moon, and stars are kept in their places.

③James Ferguson once saw the inside of his father's watch, and he wondered, "Why should I not make a watch?" This set him thinking and it led to a wooden clock which kept good time.

④Walt Disney, the famous American film-maker, was often thinking of new ideas. One day, when he was in a meeting, he suddenly stopped talking, deep in thought. He looked and looked at a place high up in the room. This continued for a long time, end then he got an idea for a new cartoon.

 ⑤Ideas come at any time, end the important thing is to think. When you meet with any difficulty, don't lose heart. Try to think of it before asking someone to help you. Think and by thinking you will learn how to think creatively.

1. Newton wanted to find out  ______.

A. when the apple hit him        B. why the apple fell

C. who made the apple fall      D. where the apple fell

2.Walt Disney was  ______  when he got an idea for a new cartoon.

A. making a film                           B. telling a story     

C. having a meeting        D. sitting in a garden

3.From the passage we can learn that ______.

A. we should always ask others for help

B. everyone of us likes thinking

C. it is easy to see and hear our thoughts

D. thinking helps to get new ideas


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