2014年马上就要到了,网上就“是否该恢复7天长假”的问题讨论得如火如荼,你(Jason)和你的网友 Peter 也展开了讨论。请你根据正文和反方观点,并结合自己的看法,给 Peter 写一封E-mail,开头和结尾部分已给出(字数80左右,不包括已给开头和结尾)

  Agree:The long holiday should be canceled(取消)


We need a 7-day holiday

  too crowded

  too many cars on the highway/ cause accidents 

  be bad for environment


  have a good rest

  family can get together

  go traveling

. . …

Y my opinion:

Dear Peter,

   How is everything going? 2014 is coming. It seems that every one is talking about whether we should have the 7-day holiday these days. Some people think that                                   













    What’s your idea? Could you write to tell me about it?





    Do you get angry at your friend’s singing loudly while you are working? Or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?

    If you d  1  ,you need to control your feelings and try to s  2  getting angry.Getting angry with people can make you l  3   friends.They won’t be with you!

    Gary Egeberg,an American high school teacher,has written My Feelings Are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings.It t  4   teenagers how to stay cool when bad things happen to t  5  .The book says that getting angry only makes problems w  6  .It can never make them better.Getting angry is not a natural way to act.It is just a bad h,like smoking.The book says that you can control your anger easily-all you have to do is telling y  8  not to be angry.

    When a baby falls over,it only cries if its p  9  are watching it.Like a baby,you should only get angry if you are sure it is the right t  l0   to do.

    The book gives many tips to h  l1  you if you get angry easily.Here are our top three:

    ①Keep a record.Every time you get angry,w  12  down why you are angry.Look at it later,a  l3  you will see you get angry too easily.

    ②Ask your friends to stop talking to you and be q  l 4  when you get angry.This will teach you not to be angry.

    ③Do something d  15  .When you get angry,don’t keep thinking about the problem.Walk away from it and go somewhere else.Try to laugh!

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