
Read the following passages and choose the right answers.(阅读下列短文,选出正确答案。)

Basketball is still a young game. It is over a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891a college was having trouble that the students had to stay indoors. Since they could not enjoy their sports outside as usualthey were unhappyand some of them even fight.

Finallyone of the teachersJ.E.Naismithwas asked to invent a new game for the students. It was not an easy job. He thought for a few days and invented a kind of ballgame. It was a fastexciting game with much moving and passing of the ball. It was played between two teams. To make a score the ball had to be thrown into a basket ten feet high above the floor on the wall. At each end of the courtthere was such a basket. At firstNaismith had planned to have the ball thrown into the box. As he could not find boxes of the right sizehe had to use the fruit baskets. That is how the game got its name.

1.Basketball is ______ some of the other ball games.?

A. as old as                            B. not as old as

C. older than                            D. the oldest in

2.Basketball has a history of ______.

A. less than two hundreds

B. more than a century

C. about three hundred

D. more than two hundreds

3.What was used after Naismith used a box in the game?

A. The wall.                             B.A kind of bag.

C.A fruit basket.                         D. The basketball team.

4.Which one is right?

A. The name of basketball got its name from a wall.

B. The name of basketball got its name from a fruit basket.

C. The name of basketball got its name from a man.

D. The name of basketball got its name from a student.

5.The best title for the passage is ______.

A. How to play basketball?

B. When basketball was invented?

C. How basketball was invented?

D. Naismith invented the basketball.



1.    Basketball is still a young game. 根据这句可知,本题选B

2.    It is over a hundred years old. 根据这句可知,篮球约有超过一个世纪的历史,故选B

3.    As he could not find boxes of the right sizehe had to use the fruit baskets. 根据这句可知,本题选C

4. As he could not find boxes of the right sizehe had to use the fruit baskets. That is how the game got its name.根据最后几句可知,本题选B




Kindergartens( 幼儿园 ) may teach you very important things you need to know. Dancy, a 5-year-old boy, saved his father’s life with the skills he learned.

The boy’s father became seriously ill on the way home from a father-son shopping. He couldn’t speak and could hardly move, but he tried hard to stop the car safely. At that point, Dancy used his father’s phone to call his mother for help. The 5-year-old boy tried his best to give her useful information and he was able to tell where they were. Just as he had learned in the kindergarten, Dancy read the letters he saw on a nearby store sign: “F,U,R,N,I,T,U,R,E.” But that wasn’t enough for his mother to find them. Then he added that they were near a bridge. Finally, his mother understood he was talking about a store called Furniture 22 on New Jersey’s Route22.The mother called 911 and the father was saved in time.

“He just thought his dad needed help,” Dancy’s mother told the reporter. She also pointed out that her husband was a hero, too. “ It is surprising for him to get off  the highway ( 高速路 ) and get himself and his child to safety even when he was so sick,” she said.

Shine, head of the kindergarten, felt proud of his pupil. “ Dancy’s spelling skills helped him seize the moment,” he said. “And that’s the real value (价值  ) of education.”

1.When the father became seriously ill, he and his son were ________.

A.on the highway                         B.at home

C.in a shopping center                     D.in a hospital

2.Dancy called ________for help when his father couldn’t speak.

A.his mother        B.911              C.Shine             D.the reporter

3.The Chinese meaning of the word “seize” in this passage is probably“________”.

A.成功             B.抓住             C.救援             D.失去

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Dancy drove his father home.

B.The reporter was really a hero.

C.Shine sent Dancy’s father to hospital

D.Dancy saved his father with his spelling skills.



A. weak          B. break         C. confident          D. at the end of

E. possibly       F. breath       ' G. do well in     H. hobbies       I. politely


     A headmaster is giving a speech about how to perform successfully in an interview to a

new school.


Interviews are held so that you can learn about the school and the school can learn about you. You should spend a couple of hours getting ready for the interview carefully. Then you will    1.    understand your questions better and get right answers on the day of the interview.

     First find out about the school. Read the school introductions and look at the school websites. Then think about yourself- your strong points and    2.    ones. Try to find a few examples you could give the interviewers.

       What else you want to tall the interviewer about yourself?. For example, you might want to speak about your interests and   3.    outside school. These tell the interviewer what kind of person you are. Be ready to talk about why you enjoy them.

      Dress properly on the day. Arrive a few minutes early. When you first meet the interviewer, greet him or her    4.   . Don't forget to smile and make eye contact. First impressions (印象) are very important. You want the interviewer to think you are     5.   and friendly.

      If you get nervous, take a deep    6.    to calm yourself down. Listen to the interviewer with great care. If you don't understand the question, ask the interviewer to repeat it. Last but not least,    7.    the interview, don't forget to thank the interviewer and say goodbye.

     I'm sure that you will    8.    your interviews. Best of luck, boys and girls!


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