Boris was a teacher. He taught science at a high school. For he needed some books for his lessons, he went to a bookshop to buy some. After he put them in his car in a quiet street, he went to buy some other things at other shops. When he came back to his car, one window was open and the books were gone. Boris drove home sadly.
That night he called a newspaper. The next day people read an advertisement in the newspaper:
Books: Have you got any old books? I buy old and modern books. Open all day on Saturdays. Boris 82 West Road.
And then he went to the police station with the Wednesday newspaper at once.
The first weekend, when Boris was staying at home, his first visitor came at 8:30 in the morning. Boris took him to the kitchen. At about ten o’clock another man arrived. He had a bag under his arm.
As soon as he saw Boris, he asked, “Are you Boris?”
“Yes, I am,” Boris said. “What can I do for you?”
“Look! I have got some good books here. You buy books, don’t you?”
“Yes. Bring them in. Let me have a look at them.”
Soon the books were taken in and showed on the dinning-table. “Sir, come out now,” Boris called. “And take the list with you.”
A policeman appeared in the dinning-room. He read the names on the books, and then read the names on the list in his hand. He found that they were the same.
“Come with me, sir,” the policeman said to the man.
【小题1】Boris bought some books. They are        books.              B.old        
【小题2】Boris probably bought the books on       .
A.Tuesday              B.Friday               C.Saturday
【小题3】Boris’        was open on Saturdays.        
【小题4】Boris looked at the books on the dinning-table and might think, “They’re all       .”
A.mine             B.his                  C.theirs
【小题5】The second visitor was taken away by        at last.
A.Boris                B.the first visitor            C.a policewoman

One of Anna’s friends has chickenpox(水痘). Two days later, Katie has chickenpox. Anna’s mother says: “ Your best friend has chickenpox . We have to keep an eye on you.”
The next evening, Anna finds some red spots(斑点) on her face. The next morning, she stays home from school. She can’t go to her grandpa’s birthday party. She can’t go to her soccer practice. She can’t go to the supermarket with her mother.Anna cries(哭喊): “ I don’t like chickenpox. I miss school. I miss my friends.”
Then Anna’s mother has an idea.
After lunch, Katie, Mike and Danny come to Anna’s home--- all with spots like her. Anna’s mother says : “ Let’s have a chickenpox party!”
All the afternoon, the kids play games. When Anna’s friends have to go home,
“See you at school.” Katie says.
“Having chickenpox is not so bad.” says Danny.
“I know,” Anna says with a laugh(笑), “ Can we all have chickenpox again next week?”
【小题1】What’s the Chinese meaning for “ keep an eye on...”?

【小题2】 kids(孩子) have chickenpox from the passage(文章)?
【小题3】 asks Anna’s friends to come to her home.
A.Anna’s motherB.Anna’s fatherC.AnnaD.Katie
【小题4】 first has chickenpox.
A.KatieB.MikeC.DannyD.We don’t know
【小题5】Why does Anna say “Can we all have chickenpox again next week?”
A.Because they want to have chickenpox.
B.Because they don’t need to go to school.
C.Because she likes staying at home.
D.Because the chickenpox party makes her very happy.

In the United States, people like going camping for vacation. They do everything for themselves to relax in the woods instead of staying at a modern hotel or a restaurant. They enjoy themselves far away from the noisy cities for a few days.
What should you prepare if you want to go camping like them? When you are camping, you make all of your own food. Barbeques(烤肉架) are very necessary while camping. You can bring bread, drinks, meat and vegetables to the camp. You’d better bring some wood and a lighter(打火机) to make a fire. Remember to put stones around the fire to make sure it won’t get too big and dangerous. When the fire is ready, you can cook food over it.
Children really like this activity at night. The whole family sit around the fire, eat their favorite food. Certainly they can sing songs and dance together. What a pleasant and exciting moment.
Camping is a fun activity for the family to do. Vacation does not have to mean going to visit a place far away. It could be as simple as setting up a tent in the nearby woods.
【小题1】Where do people in the United States like to go camping according to the passage?

A.In big cities.B.In a place of interest.
C.In a modern hotel or a restaurant.D.In the woods.
【小题2】What are NOT necessary if you are camping?
A.Sunglasses.B.Barbeques.C.Some wood.D.Tents.
【小题3】What does the phrase “make a fire” mean in Chinese?
【小题4】What should you do while using fire?
A.Put stones around the fire.
B.Cover(盖) the fire with grass.
C.Cook food under the fire.
D.Keep far away from the fire.
【小题5】What can we know from the passage?
A.Camping is popular in China.
B.You needn’t prepare the food for yourselves while camping.
C.Children like camping very much at night.
D.We shouldn’t go camping for it’s dangerous.

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