
【题目】 Is this maths problem ___________?

Yes, I can work it out ___________

A.easy ; easy B.easily ; easily

C.easily ; easy D.easy; easily



试题分析:句意:--这道数学题容易吗?--是的,我能容易地解出来。 A.easy ; easy 形容词,容易的;B.easily ; easily副词,容易地;C.easily ; easy 副词,容易地;形容词,容易的;D.easy; easily形容词,容易的;副词,容易地。Something is +形容词,主语+联系动词+表语(形容词);动词+副词。根据句意,故选D。


【题目】Newspapers are very important in our daily life. Many people begin their day by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes, however, they didn't have the time to read the news carefully and must be pleased with a quick look at the front page. At other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to have a quick look at the headlines(标题).

There are newspapers to please every reader. In big cities there are many types with several different editions every day. In some towns there are fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day. In some places the paper is printed weekly.

Most papers have several editions(版本), especially on Sundays when the edition is larger than usual. There are, besides the front page with the most important news, the sports news, the amusement(娱乐)page, a business page and so on.

【1】People read newspaper to ____.

A.learn about the most important news

B.be pleased

C.learn about what is going on in the world

D.get some information

【2Reading the headlines, people can know ____.

A.what the passages are about B.what is going on

C.learn about the most important news D.about sports

【3In big cities newspapers are usually printed ____.

A.daily B.weekly

C.monthly D.yearly

【4Most papers have ____ on Sundays than usual.

A.more types B.more pages

C.less types D.less pages

【5If you want to see a film, you’d better read ____ in a newspaper.

A.the business page B.the front page

C.the sportspage D.the amusement(娱乐) page

【题目】 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


There was a woman in Detroit, who had two sons. She was worried about them, especially the one, Ben, because he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class played jokes on him because he seemed so slow. The mother decided that she would help her sons to do well in school by . She told them to go to the Detroit Public Library to read a book a week and do a book report for her.

One day, in Bens class, the teacher held up a rock and asked anyone knew it. Ben put up his hand and the teacher let him . Why did Ben raise his hand? all of his whispered and wondered. He said anything. What could he possibly want to say? To their surprise, Ben not only the rock, but also said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group and even knew the teacher had found it. The teacher and the other students were amazed. Ben had learned this from doing one of his book reports.

Later Ben became the student of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University and became one of the best doctors in the United States.

1A. young B. youngest C. younger D. more younger

2A. herself B. himself C. themselves D. her

3A. that B. if C. how D. why

4A. think B. leave C. ask D. answer

5A. classmates B. students C. teachers D. friends

6A. always B. ever C. sometimes D. never

7A. found B. played C. knew D. heard

8A. whether B. what C. where D. why

9A. top B. slow C. low D. rich

10A. at first B. at the end C. at last D. now

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