We buy vegetables in the supermarket. But students at Dalton Middle School in Georgia, US, may no longer(不再) need a supermarket! Tomatoes, green peppers and other vegetables are growing outside the doors of a science classroom at school.

Seventh-grade science teacher Sarah Ott has a vegetable garden. Her spring students planted vegetabe seeds in the garden. Her autumn students enjoy the vegetables.

The students pick, water and watch the vegetables grow. The school garden is a good chance(机会) for them to learn how to grow plants.

Seventh-grader Habibah Bikhit says she loves to work in the school garden.

“It’s because we just get to pick and look at all the beautiful vegetables and the flowers,” she says.

A class of language learners also join them. Ott says it is also a good way for them to learn English words, because they can connect (联系) the words with real things.

You would be surprised at how much the kids can learn from it.

1.Students at Dalton Middle School don’t need to buy vegetabels because _________.

A.they open a supermarket themselves.

B.they don’t like eating vegetables at all.

C.they grow vetgetables in a vegetable garden.

D.their parents don’t give them money.

2.What does Habibah Bikhit think of her work in the school garden?

A.She doesn’t enjoy it. B.She thinks it is not interesting.

C.She is interested in it. D.She is good at growing vegetables.

3.What do students learn from working in the garden?

a. English words with the real things. b. How to plant vegetables.

c. The way to cook vegetables. d. How to make friends.

A.a, b B.a, c C.b, c D.a, d

The National Literacy Trust once did some researches(调查)on reading.About 32,000 children from different schools in the UK answered the questions from it.These children are aged from 8 to 18.

The research shows that children in the UK are reading less in their free time.Just over a quarter of the students said they read outside school.About the same number said their parents didn't feel that reading was important.Half of those students said they enjoyed reading “very much” or “quite a lot”.About two in five thought reading was “cool”,but about one in three said they only read when they had to.

Jonathan Douglas from the National Literacy Trust said,“Our research not only shows that children are reading less and having negative attitudes(消极的态度)to reading but also shows the relationship(关系)between this and their performance(表现)in reading tests.”

The research also finds that many children in the UK like to read e?books outside school.The percentage in 2014 was about 6% and it grew to 12% in 2015.

In today's world,there are so many activities for children to do.But if they sit down and do some reading,they will find reading is really interesting and useful.

1.How many students answered the questions from the National Literacy Trust?

A.About 32,000. B.About 3,200.

C.About 16. D.About 8.

2.What does the research show?

A.Children in the UK do well in their reading tests.

B.Parents in the UK think reading is unimportant.

C.Children in the UK are reading less in their free time.

D.Schools in the UK don't give their students much free time.

3.The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refers to “________”.

A.the research

B.the National Literacy Trust

C.many children like to read e?books

D.children are reading less and having negative attitudes to reading

4.About ________ of the students in the UK liked to read e?books in 2014.

A.6% B.12% C.40% D.50%

5.The last paragraph tells us that children ________.

A.should do more reading B.should sit down when they read

C.need to do all kinds of activities D.like interesting and useful things

A little boy invited his mother to the first teacher-parent meeting of his elementary school. To his surprise, she said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teacher met his mother. Though she was a beautiful woman, there was a scar (伤疤) that covered nearly the right side of her face. The boy never asked his mom why or how she got the scar.

At the meeting, other people were impressed by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother, but the little boy felt embarrassed for his mom’s looks, and hid himself from everyone. However, he heard the conversation between his mother and his teacher.

“How did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked.

The mother replied, “When my son was a baby, his room caught fire one day. Everyone was too afraid to get into the room, but I rushed into it. While I was running towards his bed, a beam (横梁) fell down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked unconscious (失去知觉的). Luckily, a man saved us.” She touched the burned side of her face.“But I have never regretted (后悔) doing what I did,” she added.

Having heard that, the little boy was so moved that he ran towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged (拥抱)her and held her right hand tightly for the rest of the day.

1题判断正误(“T”表示正确, “F”表示错误);2题完成句子;3题简略回答问题;4题写下本文的主题;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。

1.The boy invited his mother to the first teacher-parent meeting of his primary school. (_______)

2.This would be the____________time that his classmates and teacher met his mother.

3.What were other people impressed by at the meeting?




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