
每位同学都有自己喜欢的老师,请你根据下列提示,以My teacher为题介绍一位你喜欢
提示:1.外貌特征;      2.兴趣爱好和性格特点;
要求:1. 表达清楚、语句通顺、意思连贯;
2. 应用提示中的所有信息,并适当发挥;
3. 60词以上。
My teacher

My teacher
I have a good teacher. She is a tall woman with black hair. She is a little fat. She has two big eyes and a small nose. She likes smiling. She is very kind and patient to us. And at the same time, she is strict in class. After class, she likes singing and playing with us. I like her very much. I think she is a very good teacher, and I want to be a teacher like her when I grow up.

试题分析:这篇作文要求我们以My teacher 为题,写一篇作文来介绍自己最喜欢的老师。题目中给了我们一些提示,我们可以从这几个方面来介绍。一是老师的外貌特征,如高矮、胖瘦,头发,五官等方面来介绍;二是老师的兴趣爱好和性格特点,如老师喜欢什么,不喜欢什么,对学生如何等;三是你对老师的感情,这一部分要说明自己喜欢老师的原因。这些描述人的外貌和性格的句型,我们在教材中都有过接触,所以表达的时候应该问题不大。但是要注意语句间的连接,以及表达的流畅。
【亮点说明】这是一篇优秀的范文。作者从三个方面介绍了自己喜欢的老师。首先是外貌描写,She is a tall woman with black hair. She is a little fat. She has two big eyes and a small nose.这几句话语法运用正确,描写的很细致。然后作者介绍了老师的兴趣爱好和性格特点,She likes smiling. She is very kind and patient to us. And at the same time, she is strict in class. After class, she likes singing and playing with us,这里使用的句型有be kind to sb., like doing sth., be strict with sb. 等。最后是自己对老师的感情,I like her very much. I think she is a very good teacher, and I want to be a teacher like her when I grow up.,最后这个句子中使用了when 引导的时间状语从句,是一个很好的句型。
注意:1. 短文必须包括以下要点,并谈谈自己的看法(至少再补充两点);2. 运用恰当的连词使文章连贯;3. 词数80词左右,短文的开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数
How to rent public bikes
1. have an IC card with at least 300 yuan in it
2. rent the bike with the card
3. make sure to rent it in 24 hours
Your opinion
1. more convenient than cars
2. help to solve the traffic problem.
Now, public bikes are provided for people in Ningbo. Using bikes for free is convenient in a city. Let me show you how to use it.                                                                              

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