What does traveling mean? Visit, enjoy and discover.

Every year hundreds and thousands of people come to the UK. And London, the capital city, is usually their first stop. What can they see? What can they experience!

Getting around in London is not difficult. There is the underground train, the oldest in the world, or the traditional double-decker bus. A boat trip along the River Thames takes you to the Tower of London.

Going around the city center on foot is easy. The maps in the streets will show you what is around you in five-minute walk. You can get a great view of the city from 135 meters up on a huge wheel, the London Eye. Look across the river and you will see the Houses of Parliament and the famous clock tower, Big Ben.

There are over 240 museums in the capital, but the two most popular are in South Kensington and cost nothing to get into. In the Natural History Museum, the key word is Big. Next to it is the Science Museum. It has those great British inventions, the history of flight and exploration (探索) of space.

1.For many tourists, London is their ______ stop when they are traveling in the UK.

A.first              B.second           C.third             D.lost

2.Going around the City center on foot is easy because ______.

A.Big Ben is across the river                 B.the maps in the streets will help you

C.it take only five minutes                  D.you can gets great view of the city

3.The Natural History Museum is next to ______.

A.Big Ben                               B.the Tower of London

C.London Eye                            D.the Science Museum


Have you heard of Chen Binqiang in Zhejiang Province? Over the past six years, he has taken care of his mother who got Alzheimer’s disease.

Chen’s mother, 64-year-old Chen Yueguang, has been ill since 2007. The illness became very serious quickly and she has lost the ability to speak and can not look after herself. None of Chen’s other family members, however, could take care of their sick mother. Chen’s father died in a traffic accident when he was eight, his two sisters married far away and his wife has a 92-year-old grandmother to look after. 

Chen taught Chinese in Central School of Lengshui town, which is about 30 kilometers away from his home in Pan’an. So he spent five days at school and only went home on weekends. When he said he would take his mother to work, even his wife was doubtful and worried. She really doesn’t think it is a good idea for him to take care of his mother in school. She worries what if he lost his job because of this.

But Chen has made the decision. Soon he was putting a safety hat onto his mother’s head and helping her sit on his electric bike’s back seat. He thinks that his mother used to take him around and now he should take her.

These days, things got a little easier for him. With the help of Pan’an government, Chen got a new job in Pan’an Middle School in October 2012. The new school is only five minutes’ ride from his home, which means he can take care of his mother more conveniently.

Chen feels happiest when his mother is looking at him. She must have forgotten who he is, and she even can’t call his name. But she surely knows that Chen is kind to her. He feels that is enough.

On February 19th, 2013, Chen got the prize for Touching China, held by China Central Television to honor those whose performances have moved the people.

1. What does Chen Binqiang do? He is ___________,

A.a farmer          B.a driver           C.a postman         D.a teacher

2.The word “doubtful” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A.疑惑             B.明白             C.预料             D.支持

3. How did Chen take her mother to his school?

A.In his car.                             B.In a taxi.

C.By electric bike.                        D.On foot.

4. The passage mainly tells us _______.

A.people will live a very hard life if our parents become seriously ill

B.it should be allowed to take care of our mothers at work places

C.a man who shows loving care for his mother and his great spirit

D.Touching China honors people whose performances move us


Feeding a crowd of hundreds doesn’t make Kenny Seals-Nutt nervous.

In fact, he thrives in the kitchen. He’s in his perfect place when dicing tomatoes, making salads and baking cakes.

By the time Kenny, 16, reached his third year of high school at Hickory Grove, North Carolina, US, he had become vice president of his school’s cooking club. He also opened his own food company, called Modern Fusion.

Kenny said he developed his love of cooking by watching his mother, and his grandmother, who owned a catering (饮食业) business herself. Kenny helped them both in order to remember their tips: how long to cook chicken so it stays wet, and the right amount of tomatoes to add to a spaghetti dish.

At the age of 5, he cooked his first dish of shrimp and broccoli. Taking it for his school lunch, he warmed it up in the school’s microwave, while the other kids ate their sandwiches.

“I love to eat, and it started to become more fun to cook than to use a microwave,” he said.

Cooking came easy to Kenny, and he enjoyed adding new ingredients into common dishes. “It started with a passion (热情) and I wanted to know more,” he said. He began to watch the Food Network and read chef blogs.

Last summer, Kenny put his skills to the test by working with his grandmother to cater his uncle’s wedding. While she cooked traditional dishes, Kenny wanted to add new to the expected flavors (风味).

Now Kenny spends his weekends catering his own events: weddings, birthday parties, baby showers. Kenny’s dishes are always a hit.

Chef Frederick Mookie Hicks, owner of a catering business, said Kenny’s success comes from his ability to multitask in the kitchen. Hicks said he has asked Kenny to cook with him on jobs three times now, and he presents Kenny as a positive example of a passionate chef to the students in his cooking classes.

“He’s so vigorous (精神饱满的) about cooking that he doesn’t let anything stop him,” Hicks said. “I knew in the first five minutes of working with the kid that he is something special.”

1.How is Kenny different from other students?

A.He opened a cooking club in his high school.

B.He is famous on the Food Network.

C.He owned a food company at 16.

D.He loves to multi-task.

2.What does the underlined word “thrives” probably mean?

A.works energetic                        B.grows fast

C.learns quickly                          D.makes progress

3.Which of the following best describes Kenny’s cooking?

A.Traditional.                            B.Creative.

C.Simple.                               D.Strange.

4.We can conclude from the article that ______.

A.Kenny proved himself by catering his uncle’s wedding alone

B.Kenny likes to follow his mother’s recipe when cooking

C.Kenny was able to cook his first dish in primary school

D.Kenny’s success in cooking has a lot to do with his family


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