

【1】My grandfather doesn't know English, so I have to ___________(翻译) the story.

2England is an old ___________(欧洲) country beside the sea.

【3】It is a __________(极好的) show,many young people are looking forward to it.

4The man _______(捆,绑) the sheep to the tree so it couldnt run away.

5The second painting looks much ___________(丑) than the first one.

6The government has also built shops and tall buildings in some large open ________(空地).

7Look at your ______________(手指). They are so dirty!

【8】--Will you go to Sams birthday party?

--No, I _________ his invitation. I would like to, but have no time.

【9】--Excuse me, can you give me more __________ about that meeting?

--Sorry, its secret.

【10】--What happened to you then?

--I looked down and found an _________ of ants climbing on my body.














【1】translate句意:我爸爸不懂英语,因此我必须翻译这个故事。have to+动词原形,故填:translate。








【9】details/information句意:-对不起,你可以给我有关那个会议的更多信息吗?-对不起,保密。根据句意,想要得到保密的信息,信息:detail, information。Detail是可数名词,information是不可数名词。故填:details/information

【10】army句意:-然后你发生了什么?-我低头发现一大群蚂蚁往我身上爬。一大群……:an army of,故填:army。


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