You may know the English letters A, B and C, but do you know there are people called “ABC”? You may like eating bananas, but do you know there are people called “banana persons”? If you don’t know, I will tell you about it. They are some Chinese people like you and me, but they aren’t in China. Why do people call them like that?

If we call somebody an ABC person, we mean he or she is a Chinese but was born(出生)in America. Sometimes, people also call them “banana persons”. A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So if somebody is a “banana person”, he or she is “white” inside and “yellow” outside. By saying that, we mean he or she has yellow skin(皮肤)but does things in an American way. “Banana persons” were born in America and they live in America for a long time, so they think like Americans and do things like Americans. However, these people still have Chinese blood(血统).Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents are from China. They all have black eyes and black hair, so they look like us, Chinese people.

There are many famous “banana persons” in America. They do very well in America and they are really great in their own fields.

1.From the passage, we can learn “ABC” means ______.

A.English letters B.People’s names

C.“banana persons” D.American bananas

2.What is a “banana person” like outside?

A.An American. B.A Chinese. C.An Australian. D.An Englishman

3.Why do “banana persons” "do things like Americans?

A.Because they have white skins.

B.Because they have American blood.

C.Because they were born in America and live there for a long time.

D.Because their parents are Americans.

4.The best title(标题)for the passage is ______.

A.What Is a “Banana Person” B.A Great Person’s Name Is ABC

C.Great “Banana Persons” D.Great Chinese People in America

Students decide to take a job while being in university because of two reasons: on the one hand, they need money; on the other hand, they want to experience something new and they want to see what working means. It is a good chance to know about the society and realize the importance of working with others.

But is it good to take a job while you are a university student? If we were to think about the advantages, we could mention the ones I have just discussed. Having a job at an early age helps us gain experience, which will be very useful to our later life. We may become financially independent and don’t need to ask our parents for money each time we want to go downtown with our friends, or spend the holiday at the seaside or in the mountains.

However, students who take a job might have problems in spending enough time on their study. If they work during the day, they may have to be absent from their classes, and if they work at night they will feel tired the next day. They may choose to stay at home, resting. What’s worse, some students may even get bored with study.

Well, this fact happens every now and then, but there are cases when well-prepared students take a part-time job but at the same time they make time for study, too. And they have good results. Their case is a good example to follow among the students who decide to work while being in university. Anyway, we need to keep in mind that study is the most important job for a student.

1.The author believes that some college students work ______.

A.for further education B.for pleasure support their family get experience

2.According to the passage, college students who take a job can ______.

A.make more friends B.prepare them for their future careers free journeys D.have complete independence from their family

3.Taking a job may cause a student to ______. absent from their exams B.lose their interest in their studies in conflict with their roommates D.receive punishment from their teachers

4.The author implies(暗示) that college students ______.

A.had better take a part-time job during vacation B.should not take a job

C.should keep a balance between work and study D.should learn by doing

5.From the passage, we can know that taking a job during university years ______. much like a coin with two sides much like a cake with fruit in it

C.has more negative influences D.has more positive influences


Every school day, we use schoolbags to carry all of our things to school.1.But have you ever thought about the history of the schoolbag?

In the Han Dynasty, when old-style private schools were opened, students used bamboo boxes to carry books to school.2.. There were usually two or three layers(层)in the box. Kids put different things, like books, brushes, ink stones (砚)and paper in the boxes.3..For example, in The Legend of White Snake, Xu Shilin caries a bamboo box to the capital to take an exam. And in the movie The Chinese Ghost Story(倩女幽魂),the scholar Ning Caichen also carries a bamboo box.

Hundreds of years later, people developed a new kind of schoolbag called the budai, or “hip-pocket”. The budai was lighter than the bamboo box. With the founding of the People's Republic of China, military rucksacks (军用帆布包)became popular.4.Maybe they can tell you about their experiences of carrying them when they were in school.

A new style of schoolbags has been produced in recent years. Many of them have colorful and fashionable designs on them, such as pictures of cartoons or pop stars. And they are more comfortable to use. Some students pull wheeled bags filled with heavy textbooks and others carry backpacks5..

Schoolbags are still changing. Can you imagine what schoolbags will be like in the future?

A.Everyone at that time owned such a bag.

B.You can see the bamboo box in many TV shows.

C.We can't go to school without our schoolbags.

D.People consider the bamboo box to be the earliest schoolbag.

E.They are the most common seen schoolbags now.

F.They are a big part of our lives.

G.Ask your grandparents or parents about these bags.

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