
请以“My new home”为题向你的朋友莉莉介绍你的新家。


2. 在十二楼,房子大而且漂亮,有三间卧室,一个厨房,一个餐厅和两个浴室。

3. 从你家到我家很简单,从你家到我家骑自行车大约要30分钟。

4. 你可乘地铁至阳光公园。一直走,看到交通灯。穿过马路。朝着邮电局走,在第一个拐角处向左拐。

5. 你会看见花园大厦,我住在1202室。



My new home

Last month, I bought a new flat. It is in the center of the town. It lies on the twelfth floor. The house is very nice and big. There are three bedroom, a kitchen, a dining hall and two bathrooms.

It is easy to go from your house to mine. It takes about 30 minutes from your house to mine by bike. You can also take the underground to the Sunshine Park. Go straight on until you see the traffic lights. Then cross the road, and go towards the post office. Turn left at the first crossing. You will see the Garden Building. I live in Room 1202. 




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