Do you like talent(才能;才艺) shows? Now they are very _______all over the world, because they give people a way to realise(实现) their _______. In China, there are many famous talent shows,_______The Avenue of Stars, The Voice of China and China’s Got Talent. These shows have one thing_______common: They try to_______the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and_______. When people watch the show, they usually play a role(作用) in deciding the_______. Everyone who is talented with something can_______ the shows. The best performer(表演者) always gets a very good_______and becomes famous soon.

Do you know Jiang Dunhao and Jiang Yingrong? The two persons are________ in some ways. They are both truly(真正地) talented and they are both good at________. Jiang Dunhao took part in The New Good Songs of China, and Jiang Yingrong took part in The Avenue of Stars. They sang__________than other singers. At last, the audience(观众)__________them as the best performers. They were happy to make their dreams __________. So__________you are good at something like Jiang Dunhao and Jiang Yingrong, please take part in the shows. One day, you may become a famous star like them.

1.A.popular B.dangerous C.cute D.lucky B.dreams C.talent D.saying

3.A.the same as good as well as D.such as

4.A.with C.on D.from

5.A.look for B.look after C.turn down D.blow out on B.for example least D.lots of

7.A.musician B.artist C.winner D.officer B.join C.teach D.celebrate

9.A.rule C.way D.prize

10.A.kind B.different C.similar D.easy

11.A.singing B.dancing C.painting D.acting

12.A.worse B.better D.worst

13.A.gave B.acted C.shared D.chose away B.make up C.come true D.take up

15.A.though B.if C.because D.who


Pandas are not bears(熊). There are not very many pandas living in the wild(野外). In the world the number of pandas in the wild is less than five hundred. They live only in a small part of China, a country in Asia. Chinese people want to protect them best. Until October, 2011, pandas in the wild could live for eighteen to twenty years. Pandas in the zoo could live for more than thirty years. To save pandas, Chinese people keep them in the zoo.

You might see pandas in the zoo. Pandas are covered with fur. They are white with black legs. They have black fur around their eyes. Their ears are black,too. They have short tails(尾巴). Pandas weigh(重量为) about ninety kilograms. Pandas eat a kind of plant called bamboo. Pandas have strong jaw(下颚). They usually eat bamboo with their large teeth. Sometimes they also eat meat. They spend at least twelve hours each day eating. Pandas like to live and play alone. They do not live in groups. Baby pandas are very small. When they are born, they are about as big as a stick of butter(一条黄油).

1.How many pandas are there in the wild all over the world?

________________________________________________ .

2.How long do pandas in the wild can live?

________________________________________________ .

3.Which pandas can live over thirty years?

________________________________________________ .

4.What do pandas usually feed on?

________________________________________________ .

5.Do pandas like to live and play in groups?

________________________________________________ .

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