

I'm bored. We have a day off because of the heavy rain. If you didn't go to school today, what would you do? Why? Linda

Some advice:

If I were you, I would be at home doing something, such as making my bed or helping my mother do some chores. That way, my room would be clean and my parents would be happy. Tina  

I would do what I love! Maybe I would help Mom do some cooking. I would learn how to make dumplings. Kathy  

I don't have enough time in one day to do all the things I want to. People who get bored usually don't have a good imagination (想象力). There are lots of different books to read, websites to surf, people to visit and things to make. June  

Well, if I were you, I would watch a good movie and then take a good nap (小睡). Your brain (脑子) and body will then be relaxed and ready for classes the next day. Lisa


1. What's Linda's problem?

A.She doesn't have a job.

B.She feels bored.

C.She hates rainy days.

D.She feels awful at school.

2. Who would watch a movie if she had a day off?





3. What would Kathy probably like to do on her day off?

A.She would like to cook.

B.She would like to sleep.

C.She would like to read.

D.She would like to watch TV.

4. June would do all of the following EXCEPT   

A.visit friends

B.surf the Internet

C.read books

D.lie in bed

5. What do we know from the reading?

A.Tina doesn't like to do any housework.

B.Kathy likes to do the same things as Tina.

C.Lisa thinks it would be helpful to Linda to get relaxed.

D.June used to be busy, but now she has enough time to relax.









1.细节理解题,根据文中语句“I'm bored. We have a day off because of the heavy rain.”理解可知。因为下大雨没上学感到非常的无聊。

2.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Well, if I were you, I would watch a good movie”理解可知。Lisa想去看电影。

3.细节理解题,根据文中语句“I would do what I love! Maybe I would help Mom do some cooking. I would learn how to make dumplings. Kathy”理解可知。凯西想在休假时做饭。

4.细节理解题,根据文中语句“There are lots of different books to read, websites to surf, people to visit and things to make. June”理解可知。June不躺在床上睡觉

5.理解归纳题,根据文中语句“Your brain (脑子) and body will then be relaxed”理解可知。C为正确答案。



The Teens newspaper has a little test for young students each week. Here below is Frank’s completed test this week.

Weekly Test

1. I prefer to spend my spare time

q(a) with my family

þ (b) with my friends

q (c) on my own.

2 [f] have a problem, I would rather

þ (a) Talk to my parents than to my friends.

q (b) talk to my friends than to my family.

q (c) solve it on my own.

3. I prefer to study

q (a) at home with my family around.

q (b) with my friends.

þ (c) on my own.

4. For my birthday I would prefer to

q (a) be with my family

q (b)have a party with lots of friends.

þ (c) go out with just my best friend.


·You get 1 point for each(a), 2 for each(b), and 3 for each(c)

·Go and find out what your score means on the right!

Scores and their meanings:

4-6: Your family is very important to you. You enjoy being with friends but your family comes first. You are kind and always think more of others.

7-9: You have lots of friends and like to have fun. You are close to your family but your friends are quite important to you, too. You are easy-going and generous.

10-12: You probably have one or two close friends, but you’d rather relax with a good book than go to a party. You are confident and like to do things for yourself.


·You can e-mail us at weeklytest@teens.com and tell us whether your result has described a REAL you.


1.How many points did Frank get in the week’s test?

A.8                B.9                C.10               D.11

2.From Frank’s result, we may know that          .

A.he has many close friends and enjoys having fun with them

B.his family comes first although he loves being with friends

C.both his family and his friends are of great importance to him

D.he is a confident young student with only a few close friends

3.By taking this test a student is supposed to find out              .

A.how to solve teenage problems

B.how to make good friends

C.what his lifestyle is like

D.what kind of person he is


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