

A:Hello,Li Ming.What's your plan for this summer holiday?

B:I have no idea.1.

A:I'll take part in a social activity with my sister.

B:It sounds exciting.2.

A:No.I have been a volunteer in a poor village.The children there don't have money to buy books.

B: 3.

A:Yes.I bought them 30 books with my pocket money.

B:What else did you do there?

A:4. And now we are good friends.

B:Wow! 5. I'd like to join you.

A:Great!I'm sure we'll have a meaningful holiday.

A.Can you tell me something about it?

B.Have you sent books to them?

C.I helped them with their lessons.

D.She raised some money for them.

E.Is it your first time to join in such activities?

F.It was a wonderful experience!

G.What about you?


Summer is a great time to improve your child's reading! Reading over the summer can help your child keep up his reading gains during the past school year and also help prepare him for the next year!

How to sign up:

We are inviting you to sign up for free to help your child be an active reader this summer.

*Go to www. readfun. org

* Select“ Parent”(NOT“ Teacher”)

* Click on the blue“ Sign Up”

What we provide:

We provide you with thousands of free, high-quality articles with questions and activities. To make summer reading easy, we have chosen interesting and knowledge-filled articles of different levels. You can go towww. readfun. org/summer-reading to download and print the articles for free.

How to use:

TIP l: Articles for summer reading should be accessible, so be sure to choose articles atyour child's reading level. Don't be afraid to start with articles of lower grade levels. The important thing is that he reads, reads, reads!

TIP 2: It's also important to help your kid develop good reading habits. Help him keep a good record of his summer reading. Besides, encourage him to discuss what he has read with family members. That way, you will all have a good time. We wish you and your family a great summer!

1.The first two sentences of the text above are about____________

A.different types of books

B.the coming school year

C.the importance of summer reading

D.good places for summer reading

2.One of the steps for parents to sign up on www. readfun. org is to_________.

A.select“ Parent

B.finish a test

C.choose a tip

D.print an article

3.What does www. readfun. org provide?

A.Online teachers.

B.Pen friends’ information.

C.Interesting videos.

D.Articles of different levels.

4.The underlined word "accessible" in the text means "easy to________.

A.write B.discuss C.understand D.compare

5.The text above is written to______________.

A.introduce a reading programme

B.sell books to school kids

C.encourage parents to read more

D.share reading experience

Imagine having an ear made out of an apple. It seems like a crazy idea from a horror movie. But it could happen in the near future.

Canadian biophysicist, Andrew Pelling used an apple to grow a human ear. He thinks fruit and vegetables can be used to cheaply repair human body parts in the future.

Scientists have been trying to grow organs( 器官) in labs to replace our old ones. But it is a hard Job. For example, liver cells( 肝细胞)can grow in a lab, but the cells still need things like blood vessels( 血管) to actually work. These things have to grow inside a scaffold(支架) In the past, scientists have used manmade materials, animal parts and even dead people as scaffolds. But that has proved to be difficult and expensive.

Pelling and his team, however, found the apple to be a cheap and easy to use scaffold.

They first out an apple into the shape of an ear. Then they used a special way to take out the apple’s cells and make it a scaffold. The team then added human cells to the apple and watched it grow

You can implant these scaffolds into the body, and the body will send in cells and a blood supply and actually keep these things alive, “Pelling said during a Ted Talk speech.

The team put the apple scaffold inside a living mouse and the mouse’s cells slowly took over the pieces of apple.

Now Pelling is thinking of other fruit, plants or vegetables to use,

He says that the shape of flower petals could be perfect for repairing skin. And asparagus(芦苇) could fix a broken spine(脊柱).

Now, Pelling and his team are trying hard to put these crazy ideas into reality

1.Pelling’s idea of manmade ear seems crazy because he used ________ as scaffolds.

A.animal parts B.dead people

C.manmade materials D.ordinary apples

2.The underlined word “implant” in Paragraph 7 probably means ________.

A.pick B.put C.produce D.protect

3.Which is the right order of making an ear out of an apple according to the passage

a. Put the apple scaffold inside a mouse.

b. Add human cells to the apple scaffold.

c. Cut an apple into the shape of an ear.

d. Make the apple ear a scaffold.

e. Take out the apple’s cells in a special way.

A.abcde B.bedae C.cedba D.cdaeb

4.From the last three paragraphs, we can infer that Pelling will experiment with other fruit, plants or vegetables ________.

A.to make human ears B.to repair burnt skin

C.to fix a broken spine D.to make human body parts

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