The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published in 1885 and is a sequel(续集)to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. At the end of the story, Tom and his best friend Huck found a lot of money in a cave and were allowed to keep it. Huck starts his story by describing what has happened to him since then.

Many people consider Huckleberry Finn to be one of the ‘great American novels’. However, when it first came out it was banned by some libraries and schools. People thought that Huck, a young boy and the main character, wasn’t a good example for children because he lied, stole and used bad language. Later, in the second half of the twentieth century, the novel was criticized for its racist language.

In the novel Twain attacks many of the traditions of the southern states of the USA, through the eyes of the main character, the reader sees and judges the South, its faults and its good qualities.

Several themes run through the story. Perhaps the most important one is slavery, which was finally abolished in all American states in 1865. Another is freedom. Both Huck and Jim want to be free—Jim from slavery and Huck from the society that wants to control him. A third is friendship. The adventures that Jim and Huck share on the river bring them closer together. The fact that Jim is black and a slave is no longer important and they become good friends. Jim helps Huck and Huck helps Jim in return.

Brief 1. 1885, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn described the story that3.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Book reviews

It is 4.among the Great American Novels.

When it first came out, people thought that Huck had a bad5. on children because of his lies, theft and usage of bad language.

Later, in the6. twentieth century, it was criticized for its language.

Twain was7.many traditions of the southern states of the USA. Through Huck’s eyes, readers learn about different aspects of the South.

Main 8.

◆Slavery. Slavery came to the end in all American states in 1865.

◆Freedom. Huck wants to be free from slavery and Huck from the9.

◆Friendship. With the adventures on the river, Jim and Hack were brought closer together, 10.Jim is a black slave.

Study plays an important(重要)role in our daily life. Some students may think study is very difficult. Others think it is so boring. How to make our study interesting and cool? You may follow the following tips(建议).

First, get enough sleep so you’ll stay awake(清醒的)in class. Every night you need at least(至少)eight hours’ sleep.

Second, have a good breakfast. And you will study hard in class. If you don’t have a good breakfast, you will not have enough energy(精力)to study.

Third, try to go to school with a smile every day. If you are happy every day, you can study well.

Fourth, have good study habits. Listen to the teacher carefully in class and do your homework quickly by yourselves and hand it in(上交)on time. Don’t be late for school. Time is very important for study.

Fifth, if you don’t understand(理解)something, ask the teacher for help.

Follow the above tips, you may find study is a fun thing.

1.How may tips does the writer give in the passage above?

A.3 B.4 C.5

2.The underlined word “smile” in this passage means ______.

A.笑容 B.精神 C.梦想

3.Which of the following is a good study habit according to the passage?

A.Doing our homework slowly.

B.Being late for school.

C.Handing in our homework on time.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.How to make study boring.

B.How to make study difficult.

C.How to make study fun.

5.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.We need at least 8 hours’ sleep every night.

B.If we don’t have a good breakfast, we will also have enough energy to study.

C.Ask the teacher for help if we don’t understand something.

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