

Take the pills with water.One pill every eight hours, or take two pills at bedtime and in the morning.Don’t take more than six pills in 24 hours.For children between 6 and 12 years old, give half the adult dosage(成人剂量).For children under six years old, ask your doctor.Take less dosage if you cannot sleep well.

1.What does the word“pill”mean?


2.How many pills does a man of twenty usually take in two days?


3.Can a doctor agree an eight-years-old boy to take six pills in three days?Why?


4.What will a man do if his child of four has to take the pills?


5.How many pills should an old man take a day if he sleeps badly at night?



  1.It means a kind of medicine.

  2.He usually takes eight pills in two days.

  3.Yes.Because the adult dosage is twelve pills in three days and an eight-year-old boy can take half of the dosage.

  4.He’ll have to ask for a doctor’s help.

  5.He should take less than four pills a day.

Take a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!
Guitar lessons
Experienced (有经验的) musician from Australia. Good at teaching kids for 5 years!
Lost dog
Medium(中等) size, with brown spots and white short hair. Answer you when you call
it David. Many thanks for sending it back. Call Susan at 7328059
Taxi driver wanted
Full time or part time. Experience and a good knowledge of the city are necessary.
English is also a must. Under 45 years old. Call Mr. White at 5132683.
Apartment for sale
Two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Hot water 8:00-18:00. Beautiful sights out
of the windows. E-mail: sdgt@yahoo.cn mailto:sdgt@yahoo.cn.
1. If you want to have a guitar lesson, you may ________ .
A. call Susan at 7328059      
B. surf the website:www.music.com.au <http://www.music.com.au/>
C. telephone Mr. White at 5132683
D. e-mail sdgt@yahoo.cn mailto:sdgt@yahoo.cn
2. Who is the owner of the lost dog?
A. Mr. White
B. Larry
C. Susan
D. David
3. If you want the job as a taxi driver, you should ________.
A. master at least three languages
B. know the city very well              
C. be an experienced driver
D. both B and C
4. Which information about the apartment is not mentioned in the table?
A. It has a beautiful view.
B. It has hot water in the daytime.
C. It has three floors.  
D. It has a kitchen.
5. How can you contact the owner of the apartment for more information?
A. By sending an e-mail.
B. By going to visit it.
C. By making a phone call.
D. By sending a fax (传真).
       Take any long piece of paper. Now glue the ends of the paper together. You have made a ring.
       Take a second long piece of paper. Twist the paper once and glue the ends together. Now you
have made a Mobius band. For people studying maths, this band is uncommon.
       This strange band was first made in the 1800s by a German man named August Mobius. Mr. Mobius studied maths. He wanted to find a way to show how this band works with maths. Understand it or not,
this band has only one surface. You can find this out for yourself.
       If you draw a line on the surface of the paper before you twist and glue it, the line is only on one side
of the paper. The paper has two surfaces. However, if you draw a line after you make the Mobius band,
you can follow the line around all sides of the paper. In other words, the Mobius band must have only
one surface.
       It is also very interesting to see what happens when you cut the band. If you cut the Mobius band in
half once down the line you drew, you do not get two Mobius bands. Instead, after you cut the band, it
turns into one large twisted ring. Then, if you cut this ring in half along the middle of the band again, you
get two connected  Mobius bands.
       Try it!
1. What is a Mobius band?
A. A ling piece of paper.
B. A paper ring for people to wear.
C. A metal ring for music.
D. An interesting twisted ring.
2. How can you change the two surfaces of a long piece of paper into one surface?
A. Glue the ends of the long piece of paper.
B. Cut the two surfaces of the paper into one.
C. Draw a line in the middle of the paper.
D. Twist the paper once and glue the two ends.
3. What do you get if you cut the Mobius band along the middle?
A. A long piece of paper.
B. Two long pieces of paper.
C. Two Mobius Bands.
D. One large twisted ring.

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