
A.        B.        C.        D.
1. People celebrate it in memory of the famous nurse, Florence Nightingale. _______
2. On that day, many families eat mooncakes outside in the open air. They often tell the story Chang'e. _______
3. In western countries children often put stockings at the end of their beds because Father Christmas will come
    to fill the stockings with nice presents. _______
4. In October in Canada and in November in the United States, people celebrate the harvest by preparing a large
    meal. They usually taste turkeys. _______
5. Can you write down one of your favourite holidays or festivals? Try, please. _______
1. A   2. D   3. B   4. C   5. “略”
Read the passage and answer the questions. (阅读短文,回答问题。)
                                                   The Fashionable Tang-style Costume
    Located① in Changle Road on the side of Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel, the “Tang-style Costume Street” has been enjoying high popularity for its traditional Chinese attire② following the costume pattern of Tang Dynasty (618-907) . Its fame③ soared④ higher after the APEC⑤ meeting in Shanghai at which Tang-style costumes were offered for APEC leaders.?
    On the street are custume shops of various grades and features. Some sell modern costumes with traditional touch, such as cloth-knotted⑥ buttons and round flower patterns. Others offer 100 percent traditional attire.? 
    Most shops sell costumes, so you can enjoy the Chinese costumes. Why are the Chinese costumes so popular now? It's in touch with the high development of our country. The getting-in-fashion was also owned to APEC leaders. They all wore Tang-style costumes at Shanghai meeting. This has proved an old saying that only things of a national touch can prevail⑦ in the world.?
Notes: 1. locate   v.  位于,坐落于?
           2. attire   n.  服装,盛装?
           3. fame   n.  名声?
           4. soar    v.  猛增?
           5. APEC  亚太经合组织?
           6. cloth-knotted   adj.  用布打结的?
           7. prevail  v.  流行? 
1. Does the Tang-style Costume Street locate in Shanghai??
2. Where did APEC leaders wear the Tang-style costumes? ? 
3. Are the modern costumes with traditional touch in fashion? ?
4. Most shops sell Tang-style costumes, do they??
5. What's the old saying for the fashion??
     Long ago, people in Rome (罗马) talked to one another in Latin (拉丁文). Pupils in school learned to read
and write in Latin. Books are in Latin.
     Some Romans (罗马人) went to other parts of the world. They took their language with them. Soon Latin
was used in many countries. It became a world language.
     People in other countries did not talk in Latin the same way. In each land, they changed the language a little.
As time went by, they made more changes. At last they did not talk in Latin any more. New languages had
come from the old one.
     People do not talk to one another in Latin today. But they still use many Latin words. You do, too. Street,
wall, city, and salt are some of the Latin words we use. You are a pupil in school. Pupil is a Latin word. It
means "little doll".
1. Latin was used by people in _____.
[     ]
A. Rome
B. the United States
C. Greece (希腊)
D. Texas
2. The word in the story that means what people speak and write is ______.
3. The story says, "People do not talk to each other in Latin today. But they still use many Latin words,"
    The word "they" means ______.
4. Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?
[     ]
A. It is not good to change a language.
B. Pupils in schools today play with dolls.
C. Not many people can read Latin today.
5. What happened to Latin when it was taken to other countries? (which sentence is exactly like the one in 
    your book?)
[     ]
A. In each land, people talked about each other.
B. In each land, they changed the language a little.
C. In each land, the children had to speak some Latin.
6. The main idea of the whole story is that ______.
[     ]
A. Romans did not like to stay home
B. people in old Rome talked a lot to each other.
C. Latin changed as it moved from land to land.
      Lu Xun was a great Chinese Literate (文学家). Once he     1    to the     2    people about the study of
foreign languages. He said:"You must not     3    studying foreign languages for even one day. To master a
language, words and grammar are    4   . You must do a lot of reading. At    5    time, consult (查阅)    6    
and memorize (记住) grammar.     7    reading a book, it is only nature that you won't understand it all. Never
mind. Put it aside and start another     8   . In a few months    9   , go over the first book again, you are sure
to understand   10    than before. Young people have good memories. If you memorize   11   words every day
and keep on reading    12  , in four or five    13  , you will    14   be able   15   in the foreign language."
(     )1. A.spoke      
(     )2. A.old        
(     )3. A.stop up    
(     )4. A.enough      
(     )5. A.same        
(     )6. A.books      
(     )7. A.Before      
(     )8. A.one        
(     )9. A.or half a year
(     )10. A.much many   
(     )11. A.a little    
(     )12. A.all the time  
(     )13. A.days        
(     )14. A.centain    
(     )15. A.for reading  
B.break up  
B.not enough 
B.the same   
B.half a year
B.much more 
B.some time 
C.give in  
C.a year half 
C.much most 
C.at a time  
C.to read         
D.was spoken  
D.give up     
D.half's year
D.many more                   
D.a few       
     On Christmas Eve-the night before Christmas Day-children all over Britain put a stocking at the end of
their beds before they go to sleep. Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the
     Father Christmas is very kind and hearted. He gets to the top of each house and climbs down the chimney
into the fireplace. He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents.
     Of course, Father Christmas isn't real. In Jim and Kate's house, "Father Christmas" is really Mr. Green. Mr.
Green doesn't climb down the chimney. He waits until the children are asleep. Then he quietly goes into their
bedrooms and fills their stockings with small presents. When they were very young, Mr. Green sometimes
wore a red coat. But he doesn't do that now. The children are no longer young, and they know who "Father
Christmas" really is. But they still put their stockings at the end of their beds.
1. Christmas Eve is _____.
[     ]
A. the night of Christmas Day
B. the evening of Christmas Day
C. Christmas Day
D. the night before Christmas Day
2. Father Christmas often puts presents _____.
[     ]
A. into children's hats
B. into children's stockings
C. under children's beds
D. into children's shoes
3. When the children were very young, _____.
[     ]
A. they didn't know who Father Christmas was
B. they knew that Father Christmas wasn't real
C. they thought their father was Father Christmas
D. they knew who put the presents into their stockings
4. When the children are older, they _____.
[     ]
A. know that Father Christmas is real
B. ask their mother to fill their stockings with presents
C. know that Father Christmas is really their father
D. know that Father Christmas is really their friend 
5. Father Christmas comes into the house through the _____.
[     ]
A. chimney
B. back door
C. front door
D. window
     Easter Sunday, which falls on April 4th this year, dates back nearly 2,000 years. It is celebrated by hundreds
of millions of people around the world. For my family, it is considered the greatest holiday of the year.
     Every Easter my brothers and I would wake up early and, like Christmas morning, run downstairs to see
what surprises were waiting for us. We were always excited when the Easter Bunny (兔子), who is like Father
Christmas, came and left us a basket of candy. It's wonderful. It is like there is a miracle every Easter morning. 
    Our mother, however, would not let us eat the chocolates like we wanted. The chocolate bunnies, and candy
eggs would have to wait. Instead, we would have to get dressed in our new clothes.
    Then my family would go to church. After church we would go to an elder family members' house for a
feast (盛会). My mother's family came to the US from Eastern Europe, so we would often eat many traditional
dishes. My favorite was ham and a special potato salad. We usually had 20 or more family members at the
    After dinner my cousins, brothers and I would go outside. While we were sleeping the night before, our
parents had hidden plastic eggs throughout the back yard. We would always have a contest to see who could
find the most eggs. The winner would get a prize. It was our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Sometimes, in summer,
we would discover an egg we missed on Easter.
1. When does Easter come this year?
[     ]
A. On April the fourth.
B. The last Sunday.
C. Nearly 2000 years ago.
D. Untold.
2. Who does the writer expect to come every Easter?
[     ]
A. Father Christmas.
B. The Easter Bunny.
C. His cousins.
D. His relatives from Europe.
3. In what order would the following happen?
   a. We would have a big get-together.                 b. We would go to church.
   c. We would dress ourselves in new clothes.      d. Our parents would hide plastic eggs in the backyard.
   e. We would have Easter Egg Hunt.
[     ]
A. b-a-d-e-f
B. c-b-a-d-e
C. d-c-b-a-e
D. d-c-e-b-a
4. Which of the following is NOT true about Easter?
[     ]
A. Easter falls on April 4th every year.
B. Children usually get a basket of candy on that day.
C. People often have a family dinner.
D. Traditional food like ham and salad is served.
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
[     ]
A. An introduction to Easter.
B. Easter traditions.
C. A moving story.
D. An Easter Egg Hunt.
    This is a song millions of Americans will hear this New Year's Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne (《友谊地
久天长》). It is the traditional music played during the New Year's celebration. Auld Lang Syne is an old
Scottish poem. It tells about the need to remember old friends.
    The words "auld lang syne" mean "old long since". No one knows who wrote the poem first. However, a
version by Scottish poet Robert Bums was published (出版) in 1796. The words and music we know today
first appeared in a songbook three years later.
    The song is played in the United States mainly on New Year's Eve. The version (译文) you are hearing
today is by the Washington Saxophone Quartet. As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne. I would like
to wish all our radio friends a very Happy New Year! This is Buddy Thomas.
1. This passage is from ______.
[     ]
A. a newspaper.
B. a magazine.
C. a TV program.
D. a radio program.
2. ______ is introducing Auld Lang Syne to us.
[     ]
A. Robert Bums.
B. The Washington Saxophone Quartet.
C. Buddy Thomas.
D. The passage doesn't tell us.
3. From the passage, we know that The song Auld Lang Syne mainly played in the USA ______.
[     ]
A. On New Year's Eve.
B. On Christmas Eve.
C. On weekends. D.On holidays.
4.The words and music of Auld Lang Syne we know today first appeared ______.
[     ]
A. In 1790.
B. In 1793.
C. In 1796.
D. In 1799.
5. The song Auld Lang Syne is about ______.
[     ]
A. the history of Scotland
B. an old Scottish poet
C. the need to remember old friends
D. the wishes to the radio friends
    English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand,
Ireland and Canada. However, English is spoken all over the world. It is the main language in over 60
countries, including India, Singapore and many of the Caribbean and Pacific islands. In these places
English is spokenas a second language.
    English is also an international language in many other countries, like China and Japan. People in
these countries use it for business, and travelers to these countries use English when they get there to
communicate. Other people may learn English because they enjoy reading books in English, listening to
British or American music or watching American films.
    English has changed a lot over the years and still goes on changing. It is no longer right to talk about
British English or American English if the speakers come or don't come from those countries. People in
Japan and Korea, for example, may use the American spelling but may not sound like Americans.
    English will probably be the most widely used language in the world by the end of the 21st century.
This language no longer belongs to British, American or Australian speakers. It be-longs to anyone in the
world. So, as a middle school student of English today, think about how you can use this language. After
you leave school, you will almost certainly need it.
1. In how many countries is English spoken as a first language?
[     ]
A. Five.
B. Four.
C. Three.
D. Six.
2. In which other countries is English spoken as a main language?
[     ]
A. Britain, the USA, Australia.
B. India, Singapore and many of the Caribbean and Pacific islands.
C. China, Japan.
D. Over 60 countries.
3. People from other countries learn English for ______.
[     ]
A. passing exams
B. business and traveling
C. reading English books, enjoying English music or films
D. both B and C
4. Even if people in Japan and Korea use American spelling they            .
[     ]
A. will speak the same as Americans
B. may not sound like Americans
C. will speak British English
D. will speak English much better
5. Which answer best describes the passage?
[     ]
A. A First Language in the World
B. A Second Language in the World
C. English Around the World
D. A useful language

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