
     Do you know about Deng Yaping, Wang Nan, Ma Lin well? Yes, they are famous Chinese Ping-Pong
players. Ping-Pong is a very popular sport game in China. People of different ages like playing it. Li Bo is
my best friend, his favorite sport is Ping-Pong, But I like baseball best. He knows about many famous
Ping-Pong players, but he doesn't know about any famous baseball stars.
     Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the USA. Children like playing it very much. They often play
baseball in fields or parks. Each team has nine players. The baseball season usually goes from April to
September. During that time, there are many baseball matches on TV. Many people will watch them. At the
end of the game season, the two top teams play against each other. The winner comes from the greatest team.
     So many people love sports in different ways now. They play sports themselves, they watch the games
on TV, or they may have sports collections. Sports are an important part of our life. Doing sports is good for
our health. Playing ball games can also bring us great pleasure.
     Do you like sport? Do you like playing sports? If not, come on, choose one to do from now on. You'll be
happier than before.
1. What sport is very popular in China?
A. Tennis.
B. Baseball.
C. Ping-Pong.
2. Who likes baseball best?
A. Wang Nan.
B. The writer.
C. Ma Lin.
3. Where do the children often play baseball?
A. On playgrounds.
B. In school.
C. In fields or parks.
4. How many players are there in each baseball team?
A. Nine.
B. Two.
C. Eleven.
5. Playing ball games can ______.
A. give us pain
B. make us happy
C. make us sad
1-5       CBCAB


Why do we need to throw less away? There are two reasons. One is that some resources (资源) are nonrenewable (不可再生的) That means there is only a certain amount of that resource in the world . One example of this is oil. When we use up all the oil in the world, there will be no more.

There is another reason for throwing less away. All of our trash has to be put somewhere. Often , it is put into garbage dumps (垃圾场). Much of that trash will be there for hundreds of years. The dumps will be filled up with all this trash.

There are three ways to cut down on trash.

One way is to recycle. When you recycle something, it means it is made into another shape and used again. Old newspaper may become paper bags. A glass jar can be melted(熔化)and made into a bottle .

Another way to cut down on trash is to reuse things. You can wash and use again a bottle that can hold mustard (芥末酱)or something else .

The third way to cut down on trash is to reduce the amount of trash you make, stop buying thing that you don’t need in the first place. That reduce the amount of the earth’s resources that you use.

1.How many reasons do we need to throw less away?

A. Three      B. five       C. two

2. When you reuse something, it means       .

A. it is made into another shape and used again

B. it is used again          

C. it isn’t used any more

3.All the ways of cutting down on trash in the passage are to  .

A. recycle and reuse things   

B. recycles and reduce the amount of trash you make

C. reuse things recycle and reduce the amount of trash you make

4.If a broken plastic box is changed into a plastic ruler , the way is to    .

A. recycle      B. reuse      C. reduce

5. The word “reduce” in the passage means      .

A. 还原          B. 减少           C. 增加


    Do you like nice food? Do you like working late? Welcome to Deli Hotel! Our hotel is very big. There are
102 people now, but we need 20 waiters. You must speak good English and French. You must work hard,
sometimes all day. Also you can get 1,300 yuan for a month. At the same (同样的) time, you can get free
(免费的) food and live in our nice hotel rooms. Do you want to work for us? If you do, please call Deli Hotel
at 556-8888. Our hotel address: Crown Road 228, Sixth Avenue.
1. How many waiters does the hotel need?
2. What language must the waiters speak?
3. How much can a waiter get a month if he works in the hotel?
4. Where can a waiter live if he works in the hotel?
5. What's the address of the hotel?

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