Last year I travelled to Paris by plane. I was very excited because I knew I would meet a lot of interesting people and see some amazing things there. On the night before I left, I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep at all. When I sat on the plane the next day, I felt very tired. I wanted to have a good sleep during the 9-hour flight. Unluckily, there was a baby sitting next to me. It cried and screamed during the whole trip. How could I fall asleep with all of that noise?
When I arrived in Paris at last, it was already 8 o’clock in the evening. I felt even more tired. After getting off the plane, I went to my hotel at once. I paid no attention to the beautiful evening scenery of Paris. I just wanted to have a good rest in my room. When I lay down on the comfortable bed, I fell asleep very quickly.
A sudden noise woke me up at midnight. I didn’t know what happened, so I turned on the light. What did I see? You wouldn’t believe it! I saw two mice playing on the floor!
What a terrible trip!
【小题1】How did the writer travel to Paris?
A.By train.B.By plane.C.By boat.D.By car.
【小题2】When did the writer probably start his trip?
A.At about 9 a.m.B.At about 10 a.m.
C.At about 11 a.m.D.At about 12 a.m.
【小题3】Why did the writer feel even more tired when he arrived in Paris?
A.Because he didn’t sleep well the night before.
B.Because he didn’t want to go to Paris.
C.Because a baby sang songs all the way during the whole trip.
D.Because the flight was too long and a baby cried and screamed during the whole trip.
【小题4】What did the writer see in the hotel room at midnight?
A.A mouse.B.A cat.C.Two cats.D.Two mice.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A.The writer had a good rest in the hotel room.
B.The writer couldn’t sleep well in the hotel room, either.
C.The writer enjoyed the first night in Paris a lot.
D.The writer would never travel by plane again
A teenage girl couldn’t stand(忍受)her family rules, so she left home.
She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and    41   years later, she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still ___42___ her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she    43   a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, “I still love you …Come back home!”
One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was so surprised that she couldn’t believe her    44  . “Is that me?” She moved    45   and read the words, “I still love you…” She cried. She couldn’t wait    ___46   back home. When she got home, it was early morning. She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to the bedroom at once. Her mother was sleeping there. She    47    her mother up, “It’s me! Your daughter is back home!” The mother and daughter looked at each other with excitement, full of happy tears. The daughter asked, “   48  is the door unlocked? A thief could get in.” The mother answered softly, “The door has never locked    49   you left. We miss you all the time. We believe that you’ll come back some day.”
As everyone knows, parents love their children forever. Children should also understand their parents and share their happiness, sadness, even everything with their parents.    50   this way, both parents and children can be happy.
A.a littleB.a fewC.muchD.many
A.looking forB.looking afterC.looking atD.looking up
A.sets onB.puts upC.cuts upD.makes up
【小题6】 go
A.wakeB.wakes C.wokeD.waking
【小题10】 C.byD.on

Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we   16  the national flag go up.
   Usually, one student gives a talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was   17  and excited! When I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too.
   Can I really do it?
   Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher   18  me, “I know you want to have a try. Next Monday, you can give the talk. Go and write something down.   19  for it, I’m sure you’ll do well.”
“Thank you,” I answered. It was such a great   20  for me! When I got home, I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my parents  21 . I wanted to make my teacher happy.
   Monday morning came. I began to feel   22 . When did I last give a talk to   23  many people? Never! This was my first time. Could I really   24  it ? Maybe I couldn’t finish the talk.
When I got to school, we all went out to playground. I  25 in front of everyone. I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t say anything.
“Take it easy,” I said to   26 . “Don’t be nervous. You can do it.”
Just then, I looked down at everyone. I saw about 1,000 eyes. They were all looking at me ! I couldn’t   27  stand up.
I looked at their eyes more carefully. Their eyes were saying, “You can do it! Don’t be afraid, just talk!”
I   28  a big breath. Then I began to talk. It wasn’t hard. It was easy.
I don’t know   29  I finished my talk. But I did it. I felt so good that day. I showed myself 30  everyone what I can do.

A.watchB.seeC.noticeD.look at
A.toldB.asked forC.said toD.showed
A.Look outB.Come onC.Take careD.Get ready
【小题6】 listen listenC.listen toD.listen
A.standB.stoodC.was standingD.have stood
【小题11】 parents
【小题12】 able toB.hardlyC.everD.even



When I was about twelve years old. I had an enemy (敌人),a girl who liked to tell me about my shortcomings. She always   1 me that I was very short, and I wasn’t a good student, I talked too much, and so on. I tried to stand all of these as long as I could. Finally, I became very   2 . I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.

He listened to me   3 , and then asked, “Are the things that she said true or not? Jane, have you ever   4 what you’re really like? Now you have that girl’s   5 . Go and make a list of everything she said and find out if that are   6 . Pay no attention to the things that are not true.”

I did   7  he told me. To my great surprise, I found that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldn’t    8 , like being very short, but a good number of them I could. I wanted to change the bad things in me, and for the   9  time I knew something about myself in a very clear way.

I brought the list back to my father. He   10  to take it. “That’s only just for you,” he said, “You know better than   11  else the truths about yourself, but sometimes others’ opinions are also important, so you have to learn how to  12 , and not just close your ears in anger and feel hurt. When something   13 is said about you is true, you’ll find that it will be of help to you. Our world is full of people who think that they know you. Don’t shut your ears. Listen to all of them.

  14  hear the truth and do what you think is the right thing to do.”

I have remembered my father’s   15  at many important moments. I have never had a better piece of advice in my whole life.

1.                A.reminded       B.said            C.shouted  D.laughed


2.                A.dull            B.brave          C.angry D.happy


3.                A.quietly         B.carelessly       C.casually   D.differently


4.                A.came out       B.dealt with over  D.thought about


5.                A.strategies       B.ideas    D.books


6.                A.crazy          B.true           C.strict D.simple


7.                   B.against         C.since D.for


8.                A.produce        B.check          C.borrow


9.                A.decided        B.liked           C.wanted   D.refused


10.               A.everything      B.anyone         C.nothing   D.anything


11.               A.shout          B.teach          C.listen


12.               A.that           B.why           C.where D.who


13.                  B.or             C.for   D.but


14.               A.features        B.excuse         C.advice D.promises




Mr. Hutman owns a restaurant.  One day, one of his two cooks ran away with some money.  Mr. Hutman was sad and worried because the next day was Saturday, and the restaurant  19.  very busy then.  So that night he called his friends, but could not find anyone to help.

    On Saturday, many people came to the restaurant for lunch.   20.  cook got so busy that he wanted to leave, too.   21. , one of the waiters, Henry, told Mr. Hutman that he could help in the kitchen.  People who had lunch in the restaurant that day enjoyed the food Henry cooked.  Mr. Hutman was very happy and made Henry a new cook of the restaurant.

1.(A) would be (B) is         (C) has been     (D) will be

2.(A) One (B) Each   (C) Another      (D) The only

3.(A) Also (B) In fact          (C) Luckily         (D) For example


(In an English class)


Teacher    :        Let’s play a game with 3-letter words.  First, a 3-letter word is spoken.  Then the next

         person has to say a different 3-letter word that starts with the last word in two seconds

         will have to  22. .  Any questions?

         Brian         :        Yes.  Can we try again if we say a wrong word?

Teacher    :        No, you  23.  .  That’s why the game is exciting and fun.  Now let’s try it!

         Brian         :        OK!  Let me try first.  MAP.

         Amy :        Put.

         Jane :        TEA.

         Ken  :         24. .

         Carl  :        EAR.

         Sam :        RAIN.

         Carl  :        Ha!  I got you.

         Sam :        Oh, no!  I forgot it has to be a 3-letter word.

Teacher    :        Sam, it’s your show time.  Here’s the book.  Pick out any story you’d like.  Now

         everybody, let’s listen to Sam.

4. (A) sing a song     (B) read a story        (C) draw a picture    (D) make a funny face

5.(A) have just one chance       (B) have to give a different word

(C) may look it up in the dictionary  (D) must ask your classmates for help

6.(A) TEN (B) RED    (C) EAT     (D) AGE


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