
     Man: This morning I’m talking with a very 1._________ young man, Jimmy, the Bike Boy Jimmy is
the boy 2._________ fixes up old bikes and gives them 3._________. Good morning, Jimmy.
     Boy: Good morning.
     Man: So, Jimmy, tell our listeners what you do.
     Boy:Well,4._________ you just said, I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants. Then I 5. _________ 6. _________ the bikes and 7. _________ them 8. _________ to kids who don’t have enough money
to buy their own bikes.
     Man: That’s 9. _________. What 10. _________you the idea?
     Boy: I guess I 11._________12._________ my father. He’s always helping people.
     Man: Wow! Your parents must be 13._________14._________you.
     Boy: I guess so. But now 15._________run out of money to buy old bikes.
     Man: Oh, that’s too 16._________.
     Boy: Yeah, I need to 17.________18.________19.________some way of 20._________money
or I’ll have to stop.
1. generous 2. who 3. away 4. as 5. fix 6. up 7. give 8. away 9. fantastic 10. gave
11. take 12. from 13. proud 14. of 15. I’ve 16. bad 17. come 18. up 19. with 20. getting

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