When we think of heroes, we often think of strong, brave people. But anyone can be a hero. 1. Fred Hollows was such a person.

Fred Hollows was born in New Zealand and became an eye doctor. He believed that all people, rich and poor, should have good medical treatment. After he began working as an eye doctor in Australia, he learned that many Aboriginal (土著的) Australians had eye disease because of dirty environment and bad health2.. Because of his work, many Aboriginal people could see again and fewer aboriginal people became blind.

3.Many people in Africa needed small eye Surgical operation (外科手术) to cure (治愈) their blindness. The cost of this surgery was only twenty-five dollars. But that is a lot of money to a poor person in Africa. There were also no doctors to help.

Fred Hollows wanted to help the people in Africa. But he couldn’t go to Africa because he had become sick. So he started the Fred Hollows Foundation 4.. This money provided equipment for eye surgeries and helped to train doctors. The foundation helped thousands of poor people all over the world.

Unfortunately, Fred Hollows died before the foundation began its wonderful work in Africa and then other countries 5.. Even after his death, Fred Hollows is still helping people. He is a true hero.

A. Now the foundation helps save the eyesight (视力) of poor people all over the world.

B. A hero is someone who helps another person in the difficulties or danger.

C. Fred Hollows went to Africa later.

D. Later, Fred Hollows learned blindness was also a big problem in Africa.

E. People in Africa speak highly of Fred Hollows.

F. He set up a program to help people take care of their eyes.

G. This foundation collected donations from people in rich countries.

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