
In the middle of the first term of school, the entire seventh grade was tested for basic skills. Steve hurried through his tests, and continued to dream of other things. His heart was not in school, but in the woods.

One day, Miss White’s impatient voice broke into his daydreams. “Steve! Pay attention!” Steve turned to look at her, fixing his eyes on Miss White, as she began to go over the test results for the seventh grade.

“You all did pretty well,” she told the class, “except for one boy, and it breaks my heart to tell you this, but...” She hesitated, her eyes searching his face. “...The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!” She just stared at Steve. Steve dropped his eyes.

After that, it was war! Steve still wouldn’t do his homework. Even as the punishments became more severe, he remained stubborn.

“Just try it! ONE WEEK!” He was unmoved.

“You’re smart enough! You’ll see a change!” Nothing touched him.

“Give yourself a chance! Don’t give up on your life!” Nothing.

“Steve! Please! I care about you!”

Wow! Suddenly, Steve got it! Someone cared about him? Steve went home from school, thoughtful, that afternoon. Walking into the house, both parents were out. He, quickly, gathered up a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread, a bottle of water, and this time...his schoolbooks.

?? The following Monday he arrived at school on time, and he waited for Miss White to enter the classroom. She walked in, all smiles! God, she was beautiful!

Miss White, immediately, gave a quiz on the weekend homework. Steve hurried through the test and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of surprise, Miss White took his paper. Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over. Miss White’s face was in total shock! The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test!

From that moment nothing was the same for Steve. Life at home remained the same, but life still changed. He discovered that not only could he learn, but he was good at it!

He discovered that he could understand knowledge and translate the things he learned into his own life. Steve began to go ahead!

1.Steve used to be bad at his lessons because _______.

Athe teacher blamed him from time to time?????

Bhe was not a smart boy in his class

Cthe test for the seventh grade challenged his confidence???

Dhe hadn’t put his heart into his studies

2.The underlined word “stubborn” in the passage probably refers to “_______”.

Acompletely unchanged????????? ????????????? Bseverely punished

Ccareless with the homework????????? Dlost in the test

3.It was the _______that made Steve begin to work hard at his lessons later.

A. his parents??????? ????????????? Bhis classmates

C. the teacher????????? ????????????? Dfailure in the test

4.Which of the following descriptions is TRUE according to the passage?

ASteve often helped his parents work in the woods instead of going to school.

BThe teacher punished Steve for his failure in the test for the seventh grade.

CSteve not only made progress but finally became a good student of the class.

DSteve was actually a clever boy, but Miss White hadn’t realized it at first.

5.Which of the following words best describes Steve’s teacher?

A. Hardworking.????????????? ????????????? B. Caring.????????????? ????????????? C. Outstanding.????????????? ????????????? D. Strict.










1.细节理解题。根据第一段,His heart was not in school, but in the woods.。他的心不在学校而在森林里。可知选D

2.词义猜测题。从下文的He was unmoved没有感动他,以及Nothing touched him没有什么触动他,可以看出史蒂芬还是无动于衷。故应选A

3.细节理解题。上文中讲述了怀特小姐责备史蒂芬、鼓励他尤其是那句话Steve! Please! I care about you! 可以知道是怀特小姐改变了史蒂芬。故选C

4.细节理解题。从短文倒数第二段最后一句话He discovered that not only could he learn, but he was good at it!他发现自己不仅会学习,而且很擅长学习可以看出史蒂芬变成了一个好学生。故选C

5.细节理解题。实际上从文章中怀特小姐的一句话Steve! Please! I care about you! 史蒂芬,求求你,我关心着你可以看出她是因为极有关爱之心的老师,故选B



Music is different from songs. Songs express feelings with lyrics(歌词), but music with tones (音调).Unlike songs, music tones in themselves have no specific meanings. Different people may get different things from the same musical performance. Though some music works are difficult to understand, people need music in their daily life because it brings fun to them. Different people like different music: some love classical music, and others take an interest in pop music. Most young people like pop music.

  Pop music began in the USA and became popular around the world during the 1950s and 1960s.The best-known early kind of pop music was “rock and roll”. Pop music has taken the place of (取代)native music in many parts of the world. It has caused the number of people for “jazz” music to become much smaller than in the 1950s and earlier and it has now begun to become the most popular. Much pop music is without artistic value (艺术价值), but the works of some pop singers such as the Beatles, Bob Dylan, the groups like Pink Floyd and Crosby are excellent. And there is still great interest in it today. Pop music concerts and festivals are held all over the world. 

1.The biggest difference between music and songs is ________.

A.feelings  B.lyrics and tones   C.languages and countries  D.meanings

2.Which of the following has now become the most popular according to the passage?

A.Native music.    B.Jazz.              C.Pop music.            D.Classical music.

3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this passage?

A.People can get different things from the same piece of music. 

B.Pop music began to be popular in the mid­twentieth century.

C.The best-known early form of pop music was “rock and roll”.

D.Much pop music is of great artistic value, so it interests young people greatly.



Do your parents ever say, “Act like a lady” or “Be a gentleman” to you? But in the eyes of today's teenagers, what qualities (品质) should a lady or a gentleman have? Let’s take a look.

What is a gentleman?

The girls have their say:

Huang Xiaoyu of Guizhou: A gentleman is not a strong, stupid guy. He doesn’t get angry. He cares about others’ feelings. He’s always ready to help. There is a boy in my class I think is a gentleman. I didn’t do well in the mid-term English exam. He comforted (安慰) me by saying I would do better next time. His words made me feel happier.

Chen Tingting of Henan: A gentleman always says, “ladies first”. When cleaning the classroom, he does the heavy work. He lets girls go into rooms first. There aren't any gentlemen in my class. When there are snacks, the boys in my class are always the first to grab them!

Boys tell us what they think a lady is:

Wu Yifan of Dalian, Liaoning: A ladylike girl is gentle and quiet. But she’s not shy; she’s not afraid of expressing herself. She is kind and beautiful. To me, actress Dong Jie is a lady. She is pretty and gentle. She also has a kind heart. She does a lot for charity.

Wang Lichao of Tianjin: A lady is not just pretty-looking but wise too. She never says rude words. She is not noisy. She is always calm and at ease. There aren’t any real ladies in my class, I think. Most of the girls are of a style I call “wild beauties”.



Qualities of gentlemen/ladies



(A girl, Guizhou)

He is not a strong, stupid guy. He doesn’t get  1   .

He cares about others’ feelings and gets ready to help.

A boy in her class

Chen Tingting 

(A girl, Henan)

He says “  2    ” and lets girls go into rooms first.

He does the heavy work when cleaning the classroom.

 3    gentlemen in her class.

Wu Yifan

(, Liaoning)

She is gentle, quiet, kind and beautiful.

She is not shy or afraid to  5      herself. 

Actress Dong Jie

Wang Lichao

(A boy, Tianjin)

She is both pretty-looking and  6     .

She is not noisy. She is calm and at ease.

No real ladies in his class.



K.L. Rothey, 71, from the United States, a retired lawyer ?

Rothey has given himself the Chinese name of Luqi or “roadside beggar(乞丐)”. In his eyes, beggars are doing important work collecting rubbish. What they do is not dirty. Littering the street is, he adds.?

Rothey first visited China in 1984 and soon he became interested in Chinese culture. Married to a Chinese calligrapher (书法家), he lived in Huangshi, Hubei Province.?

Many people know him because he often shows up in the street collecting rubbish. “Huangshi is my home so I hope it becomes cleaner and more beautiful,” says Rothey. He has also organized volunteers to collect rubbish in other cities, including Wuhan.?

Rothey says he’ll continue collecting rubbish, as long as he is able to.?

Jill Robinson, 50, from Britain, founder(创立者)and CEO of Animals Asia Foundation.

She has been working for nearly 20 years to stop people from getting the bile(胆汁)from moon bears for use in traditional medicine.?

She began working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Hong Kong in the mid-1980s. A business trip to a bear farm in the mainland in 1993 changed her life. She saw so many moon bears killed by people. That made her cry. She said she would be back to set them free.?

In 1998, she set up the Animal Foundation. In July 2000, the foundation agreed to free 500 farmed moon bears. In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue(救援)Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.?

Now, bear farms have been stopped in the area of two-thirds of China. “As much as we rescue them, they rescue us. These bears rescue us every single day and they teach us to be better people,” Robinson says.?




Jill Robinson








He first visited China in 1984 and became interested in Chinese culture.?

He often 78.       in the streets in Huangshi.?

He has also organized volunteers to collect rubbish in other cities.

She began working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in the mid-1980s.

?79.               in the mainland changed her life in 1993.?

She set up the Animal Foundation in 1998.

In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.

The two passages are about two foreigners who have helped improve Chinese lives with their contributions(贡献).We should 80.           them and do what we can to protect the environment.


The word “cartoon” came form Italian. It first referred to the picture before an actual(真实的)drawing on the wall. __1.__ Since the 1840s, it has also come to mean any drawing that is humorous, satirical(讽刺的)or showing an opinion. It usually appears in a newspaper and magazine, with or without a short test.

_2.___ People of all ages, especially young children enjoy all kinds of cartoons in newspapers and magazines, or television and at the movies. Cartoons not only show their life, but help form it. 3._They have supplied ideas to plays, movies and television series and so on. Names or words form cartoon series have also come into modern languages.

    Many cartoonists (漫画家)draw with special pens._ 4.__Surely, computers are especially effective for the making of animated cartoons. This helps us to enjoy more lively cartoons.


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A .They have set the style for clothing, food, manner and many other things.

B. In the mid-19th century, it came into English.

C. Some use the computer.

D. Today cartoons are a part of the daily lives of most people.

5.Form the passage, we know that ______________.

A. few young children like cartoons

B. the word “cartoon” came form English.

C. all cartoonists use pencils to draw cartoons nowadays.

D. people like cartoons because they show and help form the life.


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