
     In the age of reality television, success isn't the only way to the public eye. Failure can also create fame,
just like William Hung, 21, a native of Hong Kong.
     Hung recently has made an agreement with US-based entertainment firms Koch Records and Fuse Music
Network. They will publish a full-length record, titled"The True Idol" on April 6.
     The idol is a civil engineering student at the University of California at Berkeley. He did a version of Ricky
Martin's "She Bangs" on the television show "American Idol 3", on January 27. The Fox TV singing contest
searches for pop stars among ordinary people. In the case of Hung, however, his act was so bad that the
judges cut him off in mid-act.
     Hung's response? "I already gave my best, so I have no regrets at all." That's good, because any common
person would have found plenty to regret: The off-key singing. The blue Hawaiian shirt worn with pants pulled
up too high. The terrible dancing. The hips jerking (摇摆) to a beat that did not belong to the song, maybe not
even to this planet. It was, by all accounts, bad.
     But, it was this very bad act that sold well.
     Marc Juries, president of Fuse, explained it this way: "Every one of us is happily guilty of singing our
favorite song at the top of our lungs with complete freedom, completely off-key and completely unworried.
That's what William did and immediately won the hearts of America."
     Whatever it is, for the moment it's big. Three websites devoted to Hung have gone up on the Internet in
the past few weeks. Versions of his performance have been remixed with hip hop and techno-music and
have made it to the top 10 request list at a Chicago radio station.
      So, what does Hung think of this?
      "There were all these people saying things about me. A lot were saying I was very courageous and that
I was great on the show, but some didn't have much respect for me and some were kind of mean."
      Now he says he's not so sure whether to distance himself from the glamour (魅力) or to accept it.
Returning to normal hasn't been easy.
1. What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 7 refer to?
A. William Hung.
B. Hung's bad act.
C. Hung's website.
D. The public's opinion.
2. Which of the following shows the correct order of what happened to Hung?
a. The entertainment firms made an agreement with Hung.
b. The judges cut Hung off in mid-act in the singing contest.
c. Hung became popular among Americans.
d. Hung gave a terrible performance though he tried his best.
e. Three websites put Hung's funny performance on the Internet.
A. d, b, e, c, a
B. a, c, d, b, e
C. a, d, b, c, e
D. d, b, a, e, c
3. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Sometimes an idol behaves quite foolishly.
B. Hung's performance attracted the public eye.
C. How an unsuccessful person became famous.
D. Success sometimes does not require hard work.
1-3       BDC


High in the mountains, and deep in the forest, lives a lake with many plants and animals in and around her. The plants and animals have enough food and clean water to keep them healthy. The wind carries pure air, and the rain comes down clear and clean.

But recently, Lucy Lake and her friends haven’t been feeling very well. All the plants and animals get together to talk about the problem. “Why are we sick?” “What can we do?” ask all of them. No one has any answers.

Just then two hikers appear. The animals tell them about their problems. “Can you help us?” they ask. “Yes,” one hiker says. “I think it’s because of acid rain.”

“Acid rain comes from chemicals(化学物质) in the air. The pollution comes from factories, cars and trucks.”

“So, although I don’t want to, I help the pollution travel through the air!” says the wind. “And I carry it to the land!” cries the rain. 

“If you can help us think of some solutions(解决方法), we will send a message to tell people how to clean up our environment,” one hiker says. 

With the help of the plants and animals, the two hikers make a list of ideas for saving Lucy Lake and her friends.

Time passes, and the forest and lake begin to feel a little better.

The next time the hikers climb up the mountains to Lucy Lake, they smile at what they find. “We’re glad things have started to change,” one hiker says. “And we’re glad you helped us make a difference,” says the other.

1.The underlined word “pure” can be replaced by “____”.





2.The two hikers are most probably ____.





3.____ have (has) nothing to do with the cause of acid rain.

A.The rain

B.Human beings

C.The wind

D.The plants and animals

4.The underlined word “you” refers to (指) ____. 

A.Lucy Lake

B.the plants and animals

C.one of the two hikers

D.the wind and the rain

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Acid rain is very harmful only to plants and animals.

B.Human activities are the main cause of acid rain.

C.Acid rain can make the living things in the environment get sick.

D.We should clean up our environment to protect us against acid rain.


      In 1998, World Cup Football Match held in France took up a new rule. Instead of the usual black
and white ball, a colorful ball was used in the game.  The new ball was made up of' 32 pieces of three
colors: red, blue and white.  Interesting enough, the French national flag happened to be in three colors,
too. Besides, 32 teams took part in the coming World Cup. But early football was made up of' eight
pieces of leather.  As time went by, more pieces of leather were used, from 12 pieces to 18 to 26 and
then t0 32 now.
     About three million such new footballs were made, And then some players were playing the new ball
in their training.  The makers have warned the goalkeeper that the new ball flies in a direct line at a fast
     After trying the ball for some time, a footballer said that the ball was quite different from  the traditional (传统的)  black and white one, and that the goalkeeper would find it harder to catch them. Another
footballer said that there would be more goals. "For the player on the ground, the new ball is easier to
control as it flies. A good player can shoot in more goals," he said.
1.What was the new rule in 1998 WCFM?
2.  What is the color of the national flag of France?
3.  Was the early football made up of eight pieces of' leather?
4. How many teams joined the World Cup Football Match when the new rule was used?
5.  It's hard for the goalkeeper to catch the new ball because                                                    

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