
小题1:Jane can play the piano, but she can't play it well. She n       to practice more.
小题2:I really like sports. I want to join a sports c          
小题3:Bob was very s           two year's ago. Now he is tall, and he's the tallest in his class.
小题4:Yesterday evening, Mary t           a walk with her mother after dinner.
小题5:My sister studies h          , and she usually gets good grades in exams.


小题2:根据join可知,后面接某一组织;sport club“运动俱乐部”。
小题4:固定搭配take a walk“散步”;根据“Yesterday evening”确定用一般过去时。
小题5:根据“gets good grades in exams”可以推测她学习很努力。study hard“努力学习”。
Japanese people often ask people what blood group they are. This is b  1    they believe that a person’s blood group says a lot about their character and personality. The Japanese also believe that k  2    blood group can help them decide that if a person will be a person’s good friend. It is strange that this idea is so popular in Japan because it is not a traditional idea, but a m  3    one. Blood groups were only d  4    in 1901 and in 1916 a Japanese doctor suggested that blood groups were related to temperament (气质、性情).
In 1927, a writer did a large study of people and wrote a guide to blood groups. He said that people from blood group O are calm, patient and in c  5    of their emotions (情绪). They are f  6    of self-confidence but are also quiet. People from blood group A are gentle and careful, worry a lot, find it hard to make a d  7   , and do not like arguments. People from blood group B are cheerful and “independent”(独立). They can talk and do things w  8    needing help from others. Blood group AB is quite a strange group. These people may seem like people from blood group B but they are actually more like people from blood group A. They are shy and confident, trustworthy (可信赖的) and like to help others. The Japanese also think that your blood group a  9    your choice of job and even your choice of m  10    partner!

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