
Have you ever wanted to travel back in time? What about traveling into the future? There’s an easy way to do it. One way you can make a time travel journey is by writing a letter to your future self to be opened in the future. To your future self, the letter will be a visit from the past.

What can be gained by writing a letter to yourself? Depends on how good your letter is. You have the chance to say something to your future self. What would you want to communicate? You’ll be able to talk to yourself 5,10,15 years down the road. There may be instructions for your future self, or you may have goals that you will want to check up on.
There are a lot of things you could include in your letter or letters to yourself. The more you include, the better the letter will be to you. Be creative with what you put in your letter. Include a picture of yourself or family to show the period from which the letter came.
You can store your letter in many different ways. You can give your letter to a friend or family member to keep and mail to you. If you can get others to take part, have them write letters to themselves as well and ask someone to be the letter holder until it’s time to send the letters. You can also use a service online to store your letter and e-mail it to you.
小题1:How can you travel into the future?
A.By traveling back in time.
B.By paying a visit to the future
C.By opening a letter from the past.
D.By writing a letter to your future self.
小题2:If you want to gain more in the future, you should_________.
A.have the chance to say something to your future self
B.talk to yourself 5, 10, 15 years down the road
C.write more about instructions for your future self
D.include as many things as possible in your letter
小题3:Why do you put a picture in your letter?
A.To check up on your goals.
B.To share your feelings with your family.
C.To show the time when the letter was written.
D.To find out your thoughts and feelings now.


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第一段One way you can make a time travel journey is by writing a letter to your future self to be opened in the future.描述,可知通过给未来的的自己写一封将来能打开的信。故选D
小题2:推理判断题。根据第二和三段描述,可知The more you include, the better the letter will be to you.,故选D。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第三段Include a picture of yourself or family to show the period from which the letter came.描述,可知那些照片能说明信是来自什么时期。故选C。
I had the meanest (最吝啬的) mother in the whole world. While other kids were________ candy for breakfast, I had to have porridge, eggs or toast. _________ others had Cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. But at least I wasn't_________ when I was sad. My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.?
My mother _________ to know where we were all the time. She knew who our friends were and where we were going. We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath every day. While the other kids could wear the same __________ for days. We could not lie in bed "sick" in order to miss school.?
The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by nine each night and get up at six the next morning. We couldn't sleep __________ noon like our friends. So while they slept, my mother was brave to ___________ the Child Labour Law (儿童劳动法). She made us work. We had to wash dishes, make beds, and learn to cook and all kinds of things at home. I believe she lay awake __________ all things for us to do. ?
But my mother was successful as a mother. All of __________ children received further education. She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults. I am trying to keep my three children this way. I am filled with __________ when my children call me mean. Because I had the meanest mother in the world, and yet she gave me a happy life.
A.thinking ofB.thinking over C.thinking about D.thinking up
In one way, it may be thought that failure(失败)is a part of life. In another, failure may be regarded as a step towards success.
The "spider-story" is often told as an example of this. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a hole on a hill from the English. He watched a spider(蜘蛛) making a web. Bruce is said to have got confidence from this and to have gone on to beat the English. Edison, too, the inventor of the light bulb(电灯泡) , made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make one.
So what? First, always think about your failure. What caused it? Were you in high spir¬it then? What can you change so that things will go right the next time?
Second, is the goal(目标) you are trying to reach the right one? Try to do some thinking about what your real goals may be. Think about this question: "If I am successful in this, where will it get me?" This may help to prevent failure in the things you shouldn't be doing anyway.
The third thing to remember about failure is that it's a part of life. Learn to "live with yourself” even though you may have failed. Remember, "You can't win them all. “
小题1:Robert Bruce was mentioned in the passage to show that        .
A.people who fail are not lonely
B.animals can help people sometimes
C.nature will help us if we are hard-working
D.confidence is important for one to be successful
小题2:Edison's example shows us that        .
A.he liked to do other kinds of work
B.he invented many kinds of light bulbs
C.failure may be a way towards success
D.he was a man of many important inventions
小题3:If you are not sure about what success will get you, you'd better         .
A.change your goalB.go on with your goal
C.not care for thatD.work even harder on your goal
小题4:It can be learned from the passage that        .
A.one should try not to fail
B. one's failure is another's success
C.one should take failures seriously
D.one should learn lessons from failures
小题5:This passage is mainly about        .
A.two great men
B. two sides of failure
C.ways to keep away from failure
D. the right attitude(态度) towards failure
Our factories and homes burn coal and oil. Every year we have forest fires somewhere. Many scientists believe that the climate is changing.
The earth will perhaps be warmer by about 7 degrees centigrade. At the South Pole and the North Pole, the ice will melt (融化). The sea level (海平面) will rise by about 7meters. As a result, water will cover cities like London, Tokyo and New York. Some ports and towns along the coasts will disappear under water.
Some other scientists think that the dust, smoke and pollution from coal, wood and oil fires will block out the sunrays(紫外线). Then the earth will become colder and great sheets of ice will cover Europe and North America.
When chemicals in the air mix with rain, we have acid (酸) rain. Acid rain can bring us great harm. It destroys forests and kills life in lakes and rivers.
People are beginning to see how serious the problem is. They find it important to work with nature instead of against it. They are trying to save the earth in many different ways. But one of the most important things to do is to make people understand that saving the earth is saving ourselves.
小题1:Some scientists believe that          .               
A. the earth is growing warmer
B. we can find oil in our forests
C. we have to burn down the forests every year
小题2:Ice at the poles will          if the earth gets warmer.
A. cover cities like London and Tokyo
B. raise the sea level by 7 degrees
C. become water and make the sea level rise                
小题3:Acid rain          .
A. brings great changes in our climate
B. kills pests in lakes and forests
C. kills the fish in rivers and lakes                        
小题4:What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A. The dust together with pollution from coal, wood and oil fires will bring us more heat from the sun.
B. The sunrays will come more because of the dust and pollution from fires.
C. As a result of the dust and pollution from coal, wood and oil fires, the earth will become colder.                                                                  
小题5:Which statement is TRUE?
A. People have come to know the importance of working with nature.                
B. All the scientists agree that our earth is sure to become warmer and warmer.
C. The sea level will rise if the earth gets colder.
My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation wasn't wonderful,but we had everything we needed(beds,blankets,food),and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.
 On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends,Kevin and Simon,while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other members I didn't know. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area.
 We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors,but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves(岩洞) first. Climbing out was harder than going in,but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last. Though we were covered with mud,we were pleased and excited by what we'd done.
小题1: The writer spent the Saturday morning _____.
C.meeting friends
小题2:There were _____ members in all in the writer's group.
小题3:We can learn from the passage that _____.
A.some of the group had been there before
B.the group had done rock-climbing many times
C.some of the group already knew each other
D.group all came from the same city
小题4:The write thought her weekend was _____.
小题5:This passage mainly talks about ____.
A.the writer's friends at the Activity Centre
B.the writer's experience at the Activity Centre
C.outdoor sports at the Activity Centre
D.how to go rock-climbing and caving
Mark began to introduce the guest speaker to the listeners, but then stopped for a while. He had forgotten her name.
Barbara hid her valuable things when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldn’t remember where she’d put them.
Perhaps you’ve had such experiences like these. Most people have. But most of them haven’t realized that they have a memory problem. Neither do they know a simple but important fact: Memory can be improved. If you just accept that, the following will show you how.
First, relax. If you are over worried about something, you’ll forget it. If you keep telling yourself that your memory is bad, your mind will come to believe it and you won’t remember things. When you forget something, don’t follow up with saying like “Oh, my god! I always forget things! ” Such words will have a bad result on you and your memory.
But relaxing isn’t enough. To improve your memory, you’ll need to take an active role. Like your body, your memory can be made strong through exercise. Look for opportunities to exercise your memory. For example, if you’re learning a language, try to actively remember a lot of new words.
If you don’t take notice of things actively, you won’t remember them. So, you can make pictures of what you see in your mind every day. For example, don’t just put your keys down! If you want to find them again, make a mind picture of the place where you’re putting them.
小题1:The first two paragraphs just tell us ________.
A.examples of memory problems
B.Barbara was a very rich person
C.language problems of two persons
D.Mark often forgot his friends’ names
小题2:When you forget things, you ________.
A.must be too careless
B.must accept the fact
C.shouldn’t lose confidence in your memory
D.should keep telling yourself that your memory is bad
小题3:The underlined word “opportunities” in the fifth paragraph means “________.”
小题4:According to the article, ________ can make your memory better.
A.doing sports every day
B.talking to your friends
C.realizing your memory problems
D.making mind pictures of what you see
小题5:The purpose of the article is to help you________.
A.introduce the guest
B.improve your memory
C.remember new words
D.forget unhappy things
We humans live in different parts of the world, but we have the same “mother”. She gives us everything we need in our daily life. She is our Mother Earth.
April 22 is Earth Day. The theme of this year is “Green Cities”.
A green city is a healthy and pleasant place for people to live, according to the United Nations.
A green city can get its energy from renewable (可再生的) sources like solar (太阳能的) and wind power. Also, it is connected by clean public transportation. Moreover, a green city is made up of facilities (设施) that can save energy and reduce waste.
Around the world, many cities and countries have done well to build themselves in a green way.
Chicago is well known for its green roof (屋顶) program. These roofs are covered with plants. The plants get a great amount of rainwater. Later, the water evaporates (蒸发) to help make the air cool and clean. So far, there are about 360 green roofs in Chicago, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Curitiba, Brazil, has great transportation. It opened the world’s first bus rapid transit (BRT) system in 1974. BRT runs on special lanes. This makes sure that buses are on time even in traffic jams. With the help of BRT, the city has the lowest level of air pollution in Brazil. Today, many other countries have copied BRT, including China and Mexico.
Singapore is home to the first zero-energy building in Southeast Asia. Zero energy means a building is able to create more energy than it uses. Zero-energy buildings work with solar panels (板) mainly on roofs. These panels can make electricity which powers the buildings. By 2030, Singapore plans to build 80 percent of its buildings like this.
小题1:The theme of Earth Day this year is “_______”.
A.Green Roofs B.Green Cities
C.Reducing and Recycling D.Environmental Protection
小题2:The article mentions that there is BRT in the following countries EXCEPT _______.
A.Brazil B.Singapore C.China D.Mexico
小题3:From the passage, we learn that in the three cities _______.
A.people are encouraged to grow plants on their roofs
B.special lanes are designed to solve traffic jams
C.people make good use of solar and wind energy
D.people are provided with a pleasant place to live
小题4:The passage is mainly developed by _______.
A.giving examples B.explaining reasons
C.listing suggestions D.showing different opinions
LONDON—Scientists have found an unusual way to prevent our planet from overheating: move it to a cooler spot. All you have to do is to send a few comets (彗星) in the direction of Earth, and its orbit (轨道) will be changed. Our world will then be sent moving into a safer older part of the solar system.
This idea for improving our climate comes from a group of US NASA (美国航空航天局) engineers and American astronomers. They say their plan could add another six billion years to the useful lifetime of our planet—hopefully doubling its working life.
The plan put forward by Dr. Laughlin, and his colleagues Don Korycansky and Fred Adams, needs carefully directing a comet or asteroid (小行星) so that it passes close by our planet and sends some of its gravitational energy (重力势能) to Earth.
“Earth’s orbital speed would increase as a result and we would move to a higher orbit away from the sun,” Laughlin said.
Engineers would then direct their comet so that it passed close to Jupiter (木星) or Saturn(土星). The comet would pick up energy from one of these giant planets. Later its orbit would bring it back to Earth, and the process would be repeated.
In the short term, the plan provides an ideal way to worldwide warming, although the team was actually worried about a much greater danger. The sun is certain to heat up in about a billion years and so “seriously compromise” our biosphere (生物圈)—by cooking us.
That’s why the group decided to try to save Earth.
The plan has one or two worrying sides, however. For a start, space engineers would have to be very careful about how they directed their asteroid or comet towards Earth. The smallest miscalculation (误算) in orbit could fire it straight at Earth—with deadly results.
There is also the question of the moon. As the present issue of Scientific American magazine points out, if Earth was pushed out of its present location, it is “most likely the moon would be stripped (剥离) away from Earth,” it states. This would greatly change our planet’s climate.
小题1:What makes the scientists plan to move Earth?
A.A few comets are moving to the direction of Earth.
B.Earth’s working life is coming to an end soon.
C.Earth will become too hot for mankind to keep alive.
D.The moon is moving farther and farther away from Earth.
小题2:If the plan is successful, Earth will have a working life of ________ years.
A.12 billionB.6 billionC.18 billionD.24 billion
小题3:What serious problems might the plan cause according to the passage?
A.The comet might hit Earth and man might lose the moon.
B.Earth might be moved too far away and man might die because of the coldness.
C.The comet might hit Jupiter or Saturn and never return to Earth.
D.Earth’s working life might be greatly shortened.
小题4:What does the underlined word “compromise” mean?
A.provideB.benefit (受益)C.shareD.endanger

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