Cloze test.

For many people, having your own business sounds like the perfect job. You can do work that you love. You can set your own timetable, and wear jeans to work. You never have to________a boss, and you make all decisions yourself. You can even raise your salary any time you want.

But the reality is different. "Having your own business can be________,"says David Paik. After working for an advertising agency for six years, he started a website design business at home. His income in the first two months was $0.________, he got a big project creating a website for a magazine. Then he had a new problem: his timetable. "I was working twelve hours a day, seven days a week, because I didn't have employees to help me." Today, Palk Web Design is successful, but David says, "I really wasn't prepared to be a business owner. I didn't________the difficulty."

With no boss, it's easy to take too much time off-and get too little work done. With no workmates, you might feel bored or________. You have to pay for your own holidays. If you make a bad business decision, you could lose all the money. For all of these reasons, more than half of all new business fail within one year.

Another problem is balancing work with personal life. As a business owner, you can't just stop at 5 p. m. and forget about your work until tomorrow. "Even when I'm watching TV in the evening, I'm always thinking about my________and projects," says David Paik.

Still, hundreds of people around the world start businesses every day, and most enjoy the experience. "There are lots of advantages to having your own business," says Denise Williams, the owner of a women's clothing store. "You can decide exactly how to do your work, how much money you want to make, and who will work for you." about B.listen to C.hear from D.look after

2.A.hard B.expensive C.foolish D.strange

3.A.As a result B.In addition C.For example D.At last

4.A.memorize B.realize C.have D.solve

5.A.angry B.funny C.lonely D.sorry

6.A.lessons B.holidays C.customers D.friends

That morning, we noticed a cab following Sir Henry and Dr.Mortimer in London. But who?

We went to Sir Henry's hotel. Holmes asked Dr. Mortimer if anyone with a black beard lived in or near Baskerville Hall.

"Yes," said Dr.Mortimer,"Barrymore."

"We must send a telegram to check whether Barrymore is in London or at Baskerville Hall,"said Holmes.

Sir Henry said he wanted to go to Baskerville Hall.

"OK", said Holmes. "But you mustn't go alone. Watson can go with you."

Sir Henry and I agreed to take the 10:30 train on Saturday.

Holmes thought deeply on the way home: the story of the Hound, Sir Charles's death, the strange letter, the missing boot and the black-bearded man. He sat in his room all afternoon, smoking and thinking.

Just before dinner, a telegram arrived. It said,"Barrymore is at Baskerville Hall."

"That becomes a dead end, Watson. We will have to look for another way to go forward.

Just then the door bell rang. It was the cab driver who drove the man with the black beard. "I got a message that you are asking for me", he said. "I've never had a complaint. I came here to ask you what you had against me! "

"No, no," said Holmes. "Instead, I'll give you money if you tell me about the man in your cab this morning. He watched this house at 10:00 and then told you to follow the two gentlemen."

The driver looked surprised and then answered,"The man said he was a detective(侦探) and that I shouldn't tell anyone about him. "

"It's serious, my friend, and you may be in trouble if you refuse to answer." "His name," said the driver, "was Sherlock Holmes."

I'd never seen Holmes more surprised. Then he laughed. "He scored against me that time, Watson."

The driver told us everything he knew. Holmes gave him the money and sent him away. "This is a dangerous enemy (敌人), Watson."

-Taken from The Hound of the Baskervilles

1.According to the passage, the underlined phrase "dead end" in Paragraph 10 means ______ .

A.Holmes wanted to give up solving the case

B.the road in front of Baskerville Hall was closed

C.the cab driver didn't find his way and turned round

D.they didn't know who the man with a black beard was

2.According to the passage, we can know that the cab driver ______ .

A.was as dangerous as the black-bearded man

B.received a complaint from the black-bearded man

C.didn't know why Holmes asked for him at the beginning

D.didn't tell Holmes anything about the black-bearded man

3.Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage? ______

a. Holmes received the telegram.

b. The cab driver came to see Holmes.

c. Watson was asked to go with Sir Henry.

d. Holmes was surprised and then laughed.

e. Watson and Sir Henry took the 10:30 train.

A.cabde B.ceabd C.abcde D.acebd

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