

1.精彩的 adj. __________

2.杂志 n. __________

3.比赛 n. __________

4.天赋 n. __________

5.有创造力的 adj. __________

6.文化 n. __________

7.污染v. __________

8.除非conj. __________

9.完全地 adv. __________

10.胃痛 n. __________

11.人口 n. __________

12.提供 v. __________

13.量体温(词组) __________

14.为...准备(词组) __________

15.期待(词组) __________


Although English is called the “international language",there are quite a few kinds of English around the world .English, of course ,come from England. Soon, it spread to all of Britain and different kinds appeared. Kinds of English that are often taught to language students are British. American,Canadian.Irish. Australian.and New Zealand, Native(本族语的)speakers of English from these countries number more than 380 million.

There is a second group of countries whose histories have been directly touched by one of the English-speaking civilizations(文明).Therefore. they use English in different important ways within their own government and everyday life.India.Malaysia. and Kenya are examples of this group.The total number of speakers in this group is more than 300 million.

In a third group of countries. English is widely used as a foreign language. However,people use their native language within their own government and in everyday life.Some countries in this group are China, Russia, Egypt, Indonesia and the countries of Western Europe. The number of speakers in this group can be as many as 1.000 million and it is growing fast.

The changing situations of English raise many questions. Will another language take the place of English as the international language? Will new kinds of English develop in other countries such as China or Russia?

1.Where did English come from?

A.America. B.Canada. C.England. D.Ireland.

2.One of the English-speaking civilizations once influenced the history of .

A.Egypt B.Kenya C.Indonesia D.France

3.In China and Russia English is widely used .

A.in their everyday life B.by their government

C.as the native language D.as a foreign language

4.What does the underlined word"raise” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.举起 B.引起 C.抚养 D.筹集

5.What might be the best title for the text?

A.Why do we speak English? B.Where does English come from?

C.Which English will we speak? D.How many people speak English?

Wu Yue, a 14-year-old student at a Junior High School in Hangzhou, usually has lunch with his classmates in their dining hall. But one day, a newcomer, the school headmaster, joined them at the same table. They talked about the food that the dining hall offered and had a nice chat.

Wu is not alone. Many students across China have the chance to eat with their headmasters. The government issued a notice on food safety and nutrition (营养) management in schools, asking headmasters from kindergarten to high school to have meals with students. The rule took effect(生效) on April 1st.

Many schools now have seats for school managers when they eat with students in the dining hall. After talking with them, the managers have to write reports and make suggestions to dining hall workers. Many students were asked about the food that they liked most. To their surprise, their favorite dishes appeared in the dining hall later. “It's not just about the food. It makes me feel that I have a say in school," explained one student. "My ideas are valued."

Some headmasters regard these mealtime conversations as their main chance to communicate with students. And they notice that some students prefer meat to vegetables. “We are thinking about how to improve the dining hall's dishes and provide students with a healthy diet," one headmaster said. As students become more familiar with the school managers, they begin to express their own points of view.

"It's important to understand students' requirements. Our practice shows the school's sense of responsibility," another headmaster said.

1.Who is the newcomer to have lunch with students at the dining hall?

A. The new student. B. The school teacher.

C. The school headmaster. D. The dining hall worker.

2.When did the rule take effect?

A. On April 1st. B. On March 1st.

C. On January 1st.  D. On May 1st.

3.What do the school managers have to do after chatting with students?

A. They have to take a walk with students in the schoolyard.

B. They have to play games with students on the playground.

C. They have to help the dining hall workers do some cleaning.

D. They have to write reports and make suggestions to dining hall workers.

4.According to paragraph 4, what are the school managers thinking about?

A. How to improve their dining hall conditions.

B. How to provide students with a healthy diet.

C. How to communicate with the parents.

D. How to make friends with the students.

5.From this passage, we can infer(推断) __________.

A. students are not satisfied with the school's management

B. students now prefer fruit and vegetables to meat

C. school managers pay more attention to food safety and nutrition

D. the relationship between teachers and students becomes better

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