Trust has been considered as the basic (基础) of any relationship, including friendship. No relationship can last long without trust. 1.Sometimes, it takes years, even a whole life to make it. So how do we know if others trust us?

2.You may first like to talk to the friends you trust most. It is the same with your friends.

Whom do you ask for advice when you need it the most? Either your parents or your friends may first come into your mind. You only ask for advice from people you really trust. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion. And so do they. 3.

Different ideas and discussions are a part of every relationship, and this is also true for friendship. Actually, two people can't always have the same opinions on a situation and they may share different suggestions. Sometimes some people find it hard to forgive (原谅) and forget.

4.It is because they trust you and believe that you will never cause any pain to them on purpose (故意地). There are times in life when you find yourself a lonely soldier. 5.Your friends will never let you down and will strongly stand for you when you need encouragement. If they side with you when you need them the most, you can know that they trust you.

A. Whom would you like to share your secrets with?

B. But winning trust is not easy as we imagine.

C. But for your true friends, there is no difficulty in it.

D. They don't like their friends, with different opinions.

E. However, if you have true friends, you will never be alone in any trouble.

F. The friends who trust you will go to you for help in the important decisions of their life.

① It’s very important to keep a record of new words as you learn them. There are many ways to do this and this passage will give you ideas about how you can do this.

② Word cards



A large building where old objects are kept and shown.

Example: National Museum or Natural Science Museum

Word cards are small cards to help you remember words. Making a set of word cards is an easy way to go over words.

Follow these steps to make word cards:

On one side you write the word, pronunciation and part of speech, e. g. noun, verb, etc.

On the other side write the meaning or a sentence with the word in. You could also write a translation or draw a picture.

Take the cards with you in your bag. When you have five minutes, e. g. on the bus, look at the word and try to remember the meaning.

Look at the other side of the card and check. Or you could read the meaning and try to remember the word.

If writing words on pieces of paper isn’t easy for you, keep a word list on your computer or mobile phone. There are mobile apps to help you.

③ Tables


























Tables are great for putting words into groups. The examples above show a table grouped by topic and one for opposites.

④ Different ideas will work for different people, so try some of them out and see which ones work for you. Then you will discover remembering words isn’t a hard task for you.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How to draw tables. B.Ideas on mobile apps.

C.Steps to make cards. D.Ways to remember words.

2.How can you use word cards?

A.Write words on very big paper. B.Look at the word cards whenever you are free.

C.Record the words without pictures or sentences. D.Write the word and its meaning on the same side.

3.What does “narrow” mean according to the tables?

A.反的 B.正的 C.窄的 D.宽的

4.What’s the structure(结构)of the passage?

A. B. C. D.

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